Explaining with Science why Mercy's fun aspect does NOT matter

For me, it’s not that Mercy isn’t fun, it’s that she isn’t engaging. The stuff a bronze mercy can do isn’t much different than a hier tier mercy player. She used to have some tech where she could shoot past her GA target which was pretty awesome, but Blizzard removed it and added an easier but less awesome form of the tech.

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I have watched many bronze Mercys play, and I have watched many M/GM/T500 Mercys play

I see enormous differences in their play, personally - its not even close

Any real examples? Besides being able to switch between healing and dmg boost really quickly, I’m not sure what they could do different.

This has been the case in every such observation by me of such play

It is until you push E. Then you’re locked into a cast animation for 1.75 seconds with -75% move speed. That’s not fluid.

It is until you push Q. Then it disappears completely because of the chain beams.

Those 2 things are the biggest complaints about current Mercy. The third would be her very distinct lack of ways to respond when things start abruptly going down hill. All other healers have abilities that let them respond to bad situations. I’m really not sure why Mercy doesn’t have at least one.

Here’s a news flash… fixing these problems does not necessarily require breaking the things you love about Mercy. Maybe… something like this.


while many Mercy mains may not see what you are describing as a problem per se, there’s also something like BigMainLittleChains

…just that? That is the only difference between garbage and not garbage Mercys? That is a disgustingly small skill difference.


Lol I was wondering if you were trying to link your rework lite and messed it up slightly. But yes, that’s what I was getting at. Some people dislike Mercy, Some people are fine with her the way she is. A good developer would take steps to reengage the former without alienating the latter.

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I find the difference between a bronze Mercy main and a M/GM/t500 Mercy main to be enormous, personally

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thats what the edit button is for :smiley:

When was it there before valk? I’d heard it was a bug that they removed and added back as a feature?

I meant new as in it wasn’t always there but I guess I could’ve clarified lol

If fun didn’t matter, then she wouldn’t have been reworked to begin with.

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Fun wasnt involved in the reason stated by the devs for reworking Mercy

Fun was literally the reason stated by the devs for reworking Mercy. SHe was “unfun to play against”

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The reason that the devs stated when they announced the rework was to eliminate unwanted behavior associated with mass rez from the game.

This had nothing to do with fun or the lack thereof

All movement abilities always had the ability to jump at the end to maintain momentum. Now it’s just been made intentional and they all have a feeling of an intentional ‘hop’; Rein’s charge, Doom’s punch - they even kept Brig’s shield bash jumps - but intentionally tuned them back and they feel like a scripted animation, just as all the other examples do, instead of a more fluid exploit of momentum / physics engine exploitation. That being said the feeling of the execution of them is my subjective opinion, but you have always been able to perform these movement tricks before they were “made a feature” and were “exploits” as you mentioned. In Mercy’s case, Valk has nothing to do with the super jump mechanic other than you move faster during guadian angel during valk; and when valk was first introduced you moved more quickly during GA than you do now.

Mercy Rework Patch Notes

Developer Comments: While resurrecting downed allies is a core part of Mercy’s gameplay, the way her Ultimate functioned was causing a number of problems. It was frustrating to play against, and it incentivized Mercy players to hide away from important battles, instead of taking part in them. This version turns Resurrect into a single target ability. It’s still an important part of Mercy’s kit, but plays much better for both Mercy players and her enemies. Valkyrie, her new Ultimate, gives her the opportunity for big game-making plays and opens a number of new options for her.

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theres a video that explains it better, which includes footage of the unwanted behavior that was observed.

nonetheless, the statement you quoted does provide the information I referred to without the specifics


They did make several official statements about it across many mediums… The “fun” factor (of the Mercy player’s / Mercy’s play style) was not mentioned iirc. But they did lean into her play style being frustrating, or ’ un-fun’ to have as a game mechanic / play against - just as the shield generator of Sym 2.0 was described. So the way to say it would be that the change was made to make the game experience more enjoyable for all players when there is a Mercy in play. They just had to reinvent what the Mercy player’s / Mercy’s play style would be - without detriment to her own “fun level.”

At least that’s how I perceived it, along with every decision devs make.

There is a dev update video released along with the rework that describes the reason for the rework…mass rez had to go due to unwanted behavior it caused in the game.

The video includes footage of the unwanted behavior

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