Explain Sombras nerf?

Continuing the discussion from :

Can somebody explain what the second point means please?

If the cool-down begins upon DEPLOYING the beacon then how can the translocator cool-down begin a second time if it’s destroyed by an enemy even though the cool-down is already ready?

I’m probably just overthinking it lol

It can be shot mid fight before it is deployed.

At that point, it starts cooldown.

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Okay that’s what I was thinking, thank you lol.

Cooldown starts when you throw it, the second part of the sentence is meaningless

It’s a pretty wacky change cus you can “stack” TL to leap giant distances, kinda like Junkrat did before he got an extra mine


Cooldown starts when it lands. (It’s a bug if it starts on throw)

As soon as you use it, translocator goes into cooldown, which is now 6 seconds.

However, if you botch a throw or it gets destroyed instantly, you have to wait 6 seconds, even if you destroy it yourself.

Its a MASSIVE nerf to her fluidity


The cooldown starts the moment you throw it. If it gets destroyed by an enemy it resets the cooldown. This is similar to how Torb’s turret cooldown can hit 0 but reset if it begins attacking/gets attacked.

I was told that destroying it manually does not reset the cooldown, it only leaves it as-is. Is this not correct?

That really sucks, as a sym main I know how you feel trust me, that just puts a big dent into her mobility.

What you meant to say is it’s a massive nerf to bad Sombra players.
I have 2 friends who main Sombra in diamond and GM and they both like the change


It actually kind of depends. It depends on the way you play her. For example: if you have your translocator sitting for a while near a healthpack, you can warp to it and then immediately place it again without having to wait for the 4s you do on Live.

But if you throw it into a fight to warp above people, you have 6s to wait instead of 4s before you can throw it out of the fight.

So using it defensively to retreat to, is buffed. Using it to get into the fight, is nerfed.
It’s a change, but it’s hard to know if it is good or bad yet. :slight_smile:


the change is pretty straight forward, be mindful of your translocator placement and you’ll find great value out of this change but if you play Sombra as a happy go lucky translocator machine then you’ll find you’re botching yourself up

In reality Sombra should have never been allowed to play like a freaking DBZ character all the time, the community has been asking for a way to make her less frustrating to play against and tying her effectiveness to her skill IS the way to go, those who cannot be successful with her will have to adapt and make better choices

Cool. I’m also Diamond and I still think its a terrible “buff” for something that could have been MUCH better for her kit.

It does nothing to solve her hack, it does nothing to address the fact EMP is still hurt from her hack nerf, it does nothing to help her get back, especially if you mess up a throw.

This was something that Sombra didn’t even need.

Went to PTR and it starts when I throw it
“Deployed” doesn’t have to mean land in this scenario cus you can TP to the TL while it’s in the air


Huh. Deployed usually means on ground.

It seems weird that they even have the rest of the text then.

But hey, thanks for testing, I’m away from my home computer so I couldn’t do that myself

Cooldown timer starts immediately after you throw it.

If you drop it into a pit or if it gets destroyed by an enemy after it hits the ground, the cooldown resets to 6 seconds even if you only have 3 seconds left.

If you cancel the TL at 5 seconds, the cooldown is 5 seconds. Cancel at 3 seconds, cooldown is 3. Cancel at 6 seconds or after. You can throw another one immediately.