Expirimental changes

I am changing this post a little
Ok so Experimental changes have happened
when I first made this I didn’t see anyone else talking about it
Fortify Doesn’t Headshot anymore
Winston replaces 50 health with 50 armor
Reaper loses 1 damage per pellet but spread is reduced from 8 to 6
Ball Grapple Boops are 25% less

My personal opinion is this
I like all these changes but Reaper because I can’t really feel the changes but I only played 1 game and I only have 40 hours on reaper
and ball I think this is too big of a nerf It is like everyone is rein now and in my opinion it is kind of dumb. If you wanted to change it I would say 10% TOPS But I think Ball is in an ok spot right now
I personally would nerf Mcree if its his stun and reload speed or even just Damage
I would revert the Firerate for Ashe and Hanzo
I would Nerf echo and Tracer More
I know that sounds a little biased but I think those 4 heroes are too strong right now
Buffs I am glad I didnt see that allot of people wanted (from what I saw)
Sombra: she has always been a team oriented hero I think if they wanted to buff her damage for example then hack would need a strong nerf
Symmetra: Sorry sym mains but your hero is a glass canon and can do allot of damage (at full charge you do 10 more than a full charge zarya beam and she needs to work for her energy) Similar to sombra if you wanted to buff her beam distance I think each stage of beam should go down by 10 damage minimum or something like that
Dva: In my opinion Dva is very balanced and a buff would have done similar things to the power creep dps got during double shield

did you try them out?

yes I did I played a game as Reaper and 2 games for tank 1 for ball 1/2 a game for monkey and Orisa

Orisa changes is pretty awesome, it means she’s one of the few tanks that got an ability to basically have no headshot hitbox when she uses fortify

Also, for those curious.

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I think that is really good honestly since Orisa has a huge hitbox and while fortify is good it isnt that good and her shield is so thin it doesnt do well to protect her either
I think this was the better option than buffing her falloff damage because her dps is quite strong just at close ranges


Reaper shotgun shell changes is also interesting, tightening the choke prob increase his consistency and rewards headshot immensely. Maybe it might even help against Tracers since if it’s so condensed, it might do enough damage to scare her off.

in the game I played as reaper Tracer was just as anoying as ever (and in my opinion broken but thats not the point)
You have to be at almost point blank range for reaper to 1shot tracer the damage nerf is really fealt there and also when shooting at tanks reaper no longer is a super strong pick against winston expecially when he has that armor


I suppose the winston change is doing what it’s suppose to do. Shame about Tracer and Reaper though.

Think the tighter choke is worth the damage sacrifice though?

no I dont
Tracer is just a stronger pick than him due to a better ult better abilities and more utility still Tracer can 1 clip 400hp targets yes you have to land all headshots but these people have huge hitboxes
Until Tracer’s spread, range, or damage is changed she will always outclass reaper
the spread reduction while making him more lethal at range all it does is make him better at killing ball slightly


Doesn’t this harm Reaper more than anything? His passive scales off of damage, and is the only thing outside of wraith form that keeps him from getting blown up. I thought Reaper’s range was already pretty good considering. And I’m weary about any sort of buffs to Reaper, considering the fact that when he’s good, he is godlike in lower elos and hell to deal with. But this tweak just sounds like a stealth nerf because they didn’t buff his passive even slightly to compensate for the loss of damage.

Yea it’s kind of that way I was able to survive I just felt like I needed to unload 4 clips to get any kills

Making him less extreme against tanks in exchange for making him able to take more duals with other dps seems like a good direction for him though.

Remains to be seen if that doesn’t backfire however, if Reaper begins to outrange most tanks with 120 DPS rather 140 dps that gets him in tank-damage range, that’s a better tank buster not a worst one.

It hurts damage but they buff his range (To a degree.) and they prob nerfed the damage because of that since tighter choke as no change to his damage prob would make him too powerful in the lower SR tier.

I would say they raised the skill floor needed to get value on him but as to how it’ll work out, we’ll have to see.

How much Reaper do you normally play? That has a big impact on whether or not you’d notice a difference.

It’s actually really smart because it gives him more range but not too much, tanks still have the same effective range as reaper, a lot have more range actually.

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I suppose you’re right when Orisa, Sigma, Hog and Zarya exist, that’s 50% of tanks already.

I don’t know, I’m just so conflicted about this patch. It strikes me as the same Rein’s buff mistakes. It’s buffing heroes without addressing core issues.

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And how does that help her be a valuable tank that a team wants to have, again?

Oh wait, it doesnt

It means when her shield drops, she doesn’t explode into pieces by Hanzo/Widow.

Same with Tracer/Echo (If the current meta is still going.) since Orisa is nothing but a walking head the size of a car, and her fortifying means a Tracer/Echo is forced to go for other targets with enables Orisa to make plays and actually use the barrier for her team while she’s able to take damage and not die instantly even with fortify.

NVM that it also means she can afford to push out and pressure snipers from far without getting melted. More so from Zen discord and volley.

And the rest of her team?

You know, since she’s supposed to be an anchor/bunker/barrier tank who people play around for protection?

Because if you want a DPS pressure tank there are multiple other, better options?