Experimental - Triple Damage Feedback Thread

Hey everyone!

Experimental is now live, allowing players to try new balance updates, rulesets, and game modes that might be awesome or might not ever make it past the “Experimental” stage. One of the primary uses for this testing ground is for players to provide feedback for wild changes to the standard game you’re used to playing. For more information on this new mode, see our patch notes!

The first set of changes we want to test is a mode titled “Triple Damage,” which modifies the existing 2-2-2 Role Queue system. In this mode, teams will be composed of 1 tank, 3 damage, and 2 support heroes. One of our hopes with this test is to see if this change reduces queue times for the Damage role.

Thanks for participating in the Experimental mode! We welcome any and all feedback, so let us know what you think! Keep in mind that you can earn progress towards win-based rewards for events like Ashe’s Mardi Gras Challenge by participating.


I’d rather slam my fingers in the car door than tank under 1-3-2. We did this before, its why people hated tanking.


Is there any chance Sigma will be made viable in the experimental mode before it ends?

I want to try it but my favorite tank is too useless to give it a go.


Hey y’all, don’t bash this immediately, I don’t think I’ll like it, but at least test it out


Solo Tanking on D.va feels awful now…but I feel worse for the Supports.

Doable? Meh.
FUN THOUGH? Not at all.
Yay, I can hold a mouse button for FOUR ENTIRE SECONDS…super fun, just sitting there holding a button over ppl. Can’t dive in the backline much anymore, can’t move but so far anymore, because I have to sit and just babysit with DM all game solo, fun times.

I will admit, it feels very nice to DM the enemy for 4 seconds - lul, but it’s not fun to play at all and I can imagine for some DPS it’s not fun to play against, but DM HAS to be incredibly long to deal with what 1-3-2 forces on D.va.
Also, 400A 200H is what D.va needs on LIVE, in 1-3-2 girl needs more of a healthpool - period, 600 is NOT enough for ANY tank in 1-3-2. Which leads me to my next thing…

I feel really bad for supports. I was mad as a tank player the other day, but I feel for supports now, struggling to keep a 600hp solo tank alive. But since I don’t main or play support much I don’t feel comfy speaking on their behalf, but I do know my supports in coms in the games I’ve done so far all were agreeing that they found it be a struggle.

So in Summary,
Not enough changes were made to D.va for 1-3-2. (Dunno how Hog and Zarya are doing, but Zarya’s buffs SOUNDED nice on paper…dunno how it’s working in practice though.)
Not only does it feel bad to tank solo as D.va, but it seems to be harder on supports.

One pro, I was sable to eat a lot more damage and that was nice, but it was honestly the only positive and came at a huge trade off of not being able to move around as much and I still ended up being hard to heal.

Another thing, boy i felt like such a target. Everyone kept targeting tf out of me like “oh, lets get the only struggle-tank out of the game and then steamroll everyone else”
Now this might be because it’s new and ppl know it’s a solo tank environment now and what not, but it has been like this EVERY SINGLE MATCH.


any half good widow is nearly impossible to counter


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


People are building ults too fast!! Slow it for the mode.
Ults = free wins!


Sombra make’s solo tanking very unfun, she needs to be addresses for this to actually be a fun mode


Too much flanking on healers. It’s frustrating playing Ana. Too much damage dealt from anywhere because dps have more mobility and smaller hitboxes than tanks.


Please buff Orisa and Sigma

Thank you for your time


Personally, I hate it. It was a long time since I played such stressful games.

As a tank I feel helpless for not being able to make my team move in certain situations, and is even worse as a healer because I feel that, even 100% of my healing are in the tank the enemy team is melting it; or I have 3 flanks on me without being able to do much.

It feels worse than before the 2-2-2, because at least before you could select another class and deal with the situation.

PS: 1-3-2 Zarya is OPAF


I also don’t think people understand the effect this has on other people who aren’t tanks.

Now Widow is going to have even more chances to one shot people, along with Hanzo. So what do we do, remove one shotting too and completely ruin/change these heroes too?

Mei could quite possibly feel even more needed on a team due to the fact that she’s like an offtank-lite in 1-3-2. So what do we do, completely change her too?

Supports are going to struggle to keep a solo tank with 600hp up, now matter how much of it is armor. So what do we do, make tanks unkillable beast with like 1000hp pools, or do we make supports more unkillable and dish out a lot more healing??

I mean there are just a lot more changes that would come into play for 1-3-2, then i think people are wanting to accept.
We have a lot of damage players going YAY EVERYTHING IS GREAT!
We have a lot of support players going THIS IS PAINFUL!
And then Tanks, tanks seem pretty split based on, WHAT KAPLAN HIMSELF SAID WAS A CONCERN, which tank is the"right" tank to play.
A lot of the people playing the tanks much better suited for 1-3-2 are having a ball, others of us who aren’t plaything THOSE tanks aren’t having a ball.

We also have A BUNCH OF PEOPLE WHO DON’T PLAY TANK AT ALL TRYING TANK NOW AND TELLING TANK MAINS EVERYTHING IS OP AND GREAT in 1-3-2, when in reality they have no real interest in playing tank for the longterm, nor do they have any real understanding of what it is to play as a tank…they’re just trying it out just to tell us it’s all great, then go back to damage.

1-3-2 just adds a whole host of new problems to the game, just for a little bit better damage queue. It’s a bad trade off imo.
Yes DPS queues above plat are bad, but this doesn’t feel like the right choice to address that.

I’ll keep testing it though.


So far I’ve tried D.va, Zarya, Rein, and Hog (I’m an offtank main). I 100% thought going into this that I would hate everything about this, but I actually don’t. To me D.va feels insanely strong with 400 armor, provided I have a healer to pocket me constantly. Combine that with 4 second DM and with proper support I feel like D.va could be an unkillable monster on this patch. I think Rein is also pretty strong with the extra hammer damage and armor.
All this being said though, I feel like support has gotta be rough to play on this patch. Either you’ve gotta be glued to your one tank 24/7 or you’ve gotta play mercy.
All in all, I think the game is too centered around keeping this one player alive and most teamfights are gonna be decided solely based on which tank dies first. Not a bad idea in concept but I think it’d be rough in the main game.


Sombra makes tanking especially shield tanks not fun but Solo tanking against a team with a Sombra, might as well just stand still and die… Now why play any other tank than Hog who can now heal people as well…

But damn them Zarya changes can go straight to live, as its awesome!

Also you reduced DPS queue times yes but Tank queue times will now climb especially when not a lot of players don’t want to deal with solo tanking…


Look, I tried. It doesn’t work for me. Games are too chaotic, they lack structure, everyone is running around wild even with an anchor tank. I had to force myself to queue for the last game.

1-3-2 comps were unpleasant before 2-2-2, they remain unpleasant now. Besides, has anyone noticed that the major buff d.va got to help her solo tank is just… a revert? She already had 400 armor and 4sec DM.

The buffs the tanks got as it is serve to just and only mitigate:
A) the recent shield nerfs;
B) the dps buffs implemented in an attempt to deal with goats.

Plain and simple, current 1-3-2 isn’t better than 1-3-2 before role queue, so it that was the goal of this whole ordeal, unfortunately it has failed.


Remove rez
Give 60 hps :slight_smile:

Remove IF
give 60 hpshot :slight_smile:

Remove damage orb
Give 80 hps :slight_smile:

Remove Zenyatta’s primary fire
Give 40 hps :slight_smile:

Remove Lucio’s boop and lower aura radius ro 10m
Give 20 hps and 65 hps with amp :slight_smile:

Remove Brigg’s barrier which doesn’t exist anyway
Give instant armor packs :slight_smile:

Remove anti-effect
Give 100% healing amp and quick scope :slight_smile:

The only way to get the buffs we want is through sacrifice…

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Nerf the frequency these head shots are applied decently just like other games that have snipers!

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I think Sigma needs more buffs.

I think Mei and Brig should be tanks, they effective do what Roadhog does now so would broaden that category of tank. (Which I now think of as Anchor Support Tanks)

I think a lot of the old Nerfs to tanks should be looked at to be reversed, Orisa’s in particular.

Finally I’m concerned if supports are able to keep up with 3 dps’s in regards to healing the one tank. That is more debatable I think then my other points though.