The experimental card is now down but it seems that none of the changes hit live servers. It still takes hanzo 4 storm arrows (bodyshot only) to kill a 200 hp hero, genji cant manually cancel deflect, focusing beam is still 20m, etc. I’m hoping we get a response from one of the devs soon regarding the matter. We know that some changes to experimental won’t go live sometimes for the exp. card to just go down without an answer is interesting.
It was said that Experimental Card changes are extremely unlikely to go live.
So it’s possible you won’t get a statement.
Where exactly? I want to read this.
It’s not here that’s for sure
We’ve added a new card labeled “Experimental” within the Play menu where Overwatch players can try new balance updates, rulesets, and game modes that might be awesome or might not ever make it past the “Experimental” stage. Unlike the PTR, the Experimental area is not intended to be used for bug and stability testing. Players from all platforms will be able to test major gameplay changes, with the hope that you’ll provide us with feedback on your experience. Some of the changes we test will be vastly different than what you’re used to, but we want to reiterate that the changes we will be testing are not guaranteed to reach the retail version you’re used to playing. Experimental will not always be available: it will come and go as we have things we’d like you to try and may sometimes only last for brief periods of time.
I know that, but at the same time it just seems odd that none of the changes didn’t go to live servers when the experimental card went down. At least the echo nerf should have probably went live. If so this is a first.
They will probably all go Live on Tuesday.
Except maybe with some minor tweaks.
The card mainly specializes at Feedback.
The experimental card was introduced to do more agressive tests, without shifting off balance.
Depending on how the community recieves it they’ll either put it in or not, though it’s still mostly for data not actual balancing.
It’s down already? That was a rather short experiment… and it didn’t even include a weekend.
I highly doubt that.
The amount of complaints + the fact that they took it down early makes me wonder if they’re going to bring any changes in at all.
Well, they might cancel the Moira changes, and not lengthen Genji deflect duration.
Nah, bringing in half changes is a bad idea, because then you could not test to see how genji was with half his buffs, for example. Also, statistically he is middle of the pack, I don’t even know why they did it in the first place.

Some of the changes we test will be vastly different than what you’re used to, but we want to reiterate that the changes we will be testing are not guaranteed to reach the retail version you’re used to playing .
System brings up a good point

I don’t even know why they did it in the first place.
Probably because people really liked seeing Genji in the recent show tournaments.
And when you got tons of snipers and sniperish heroes being strong.
Genji is a simple “Quickplay” answer to go hunt down those snipers.
The thing is that the echo nerf should have probably gone live regardless, for it was a reasonable nerf. It not going to live servers is questionable.

Probably because people really liked seeing Genji in the recent show tournaments.
Balancing around OWL is ruining the game. It’s gotten to the point where players are saying that they’d rather OWL not exist. It’s time the devs had separate balancing for OWL and ladder play. These players are playing basically playing a different game from us. They have coaches, best players in the world, and play with the same teams for months on end. It’s nothing like ladder play at all. That way, OWL might be more enjoyable to watch as well. Start with number changes to heroes, and see i…
So I guess this thread is relevant again, eh?

The thing is that the echo nerf should have probably gone live regardless
Yeah, I don’t remember anyone complaining about that. Although I disagree she needed much of a nerf (on ladder, she’s OP in OWL), It wouldn’t hurt her too much.
Im just saying that it would be a first on their part for none of the changes going live. At least 1 or 2 of them should have made it through testing.
They probably also wanted Genji to be a bit more dominant in the game overall by the time OW2 comes out.
Also I wouldn’t be surprised if they are going to do some changes to Tanks that push Diamond and above games to favor Dive more.

They probably also wanted Genji to be a bit more dominant in the game overall
Ah, so you admit you want him to be OP?
He’s already perfectly fine on ladder, No changes needed.

Also I wouldn’t be surprised if they are going to do some changes to Tanks that push Diamond and above games to favor Dive more.
I would like that lol
And when i say that, we shouldn’t have gotten the changes to live this early. But the fact that the exp card was taken down is weird by itself
It’s hard to tell what they are doing for sure since they typically don’t implement changes till Tuesday and sometimes Thursday