Experiment time?

Now I’m curious hmm >->

I’m not exactly sure what data they can accurately get from maybe a weeks worth of data on an unproven concept.

Have you considered moving this mode as it is to a permanent Arcade Mode? :slight_smile:


Hey where is the experiment to remove Mei?

Bastion needs to become a tank, pure and simple with that hit box. He just doesn’t work as a DPS in reality.

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Something to steal from fortnite: directed questions

Forums are great for idiots like me who write 3,000 words on the validity of Rez mechanics specifically in the context of Mercy and overwatch.

But, for people in general: targeted questions are better.
Hello: how does mercy feel to play? Rate 1-5"
“Does hook feel good to use?”
And assign this predetermined wording to triggers

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Personally, I think 2-3-2 is the best option, and is worth the extra expense of resources.

Yeah, but they can’t really consider doing it until after OW2 is out, 'cause… yeah. They’re working on that.

Jeff, why didn’t you buff Hammond? He feels so weak

I get that it helps with queue times, but to be honest even with the changes to individual tanks, losing out on the whole “tank line” experience seems…not fun. I played triple DPS during the goats meta in an organized environment a LOT, and I have to say, the triple dps mirror matches some maps would often begin on were the worst Overwatch I’d ever played. Things might seem less concerning in pub matches, but I’d be seriously worried about how things would play out in the team scene. Especially with how easy it is to outrange and poke tanks in general.

There isn’t enough changes for the 3-1-2. Some of the tank are just really bad, like D. Va. I tried solo D. Va and went to make space and she got blown up. She still have her cool down on DM for some reason.

I haven’t tried Sigma, but he still has cooldown on his shield. Roadhog has zero CC mitigation which makes him a easy to deal with tank.

That is mostly due to fact you guys didn’t change enough things, and you guys don’t know what to do with certain tanks like Roadhog and D. Va. There are still tons of CC problem for the tanks. Most of the CC was deal-able due to having an off-tank to peel for you.

I really hope this doesn’t go live.
Experimental is a big ol’ playground where certain tanks are having fun just being over juiced up damage dealers, supports are struggling to handle it all, and people who miss actual REAL tanking and playing tanks FOR REAL in a structured game environment, are miserable.

Make 1-3-2 an ARCADE MODE, leave it out of QP and Comp.


Ignore? By the time you’ve destroyed a pillar, the tank who went through is most likely already dead.

Going up against a decent set of triple snipers is a very, very bad time.

I like it a lot. I also like 2-2-2, but the queues are long. Either way I am happy with the game :grin:

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That is very disappointing. I think 321 is a good idea poorly executed. Supports should not have been left alone and some tanks weren’t buffed enough.

That’s such a cop out, though. Assuming I mean just ask people at the end of every match, “how was this?” is just begging for something silly like that to happen.

Getting actual feedback is a more involved process. You have to know when and where to ask people the right questions. Something like asking people if they’d like to complete a short survey after playing 10-15 games. Targeted questions like “What bothers you the most about 3-2-1?” that actually engage people to get real responses. Not silly ticks at the top of the screen that say “did u like this” on the defeat screen.

I’m sure you have official channels set up for this stuff but right now nobody really knows, you know? What’s the feedback like? Email surveys? Watching streamers and reading chat? Reading forums and social media? Honestly I feel like streamer opinions and social media represent such a small minority of people. A lot of people don’t even engage in discussion about games outside of the game. How do you get the feedback from those people?


The problem is you have to almost re-do the balance in the game so the mode actually works.

Half the tank roster in this mode is currently a throwpick.
Hog because he can’t do anything and getting cc’d out of taking a breather almost wipes the team.
Sigma gets rolled over, he just can’t survive for a minute, meaning they’d have to hard buff him, which could make tanks such as orisa always the worst pick (Which is not a problem only between both of them, a few of the tanks will always be throw picks).
Dva depending on the enemy comp can’t block any damage, they would need to rework her DM so she can block beam or melee damage before her team is rolled over by zarya or rein.
Ball depending on the map will leave your team to be rolled by a dive or deathball without any damage block.
Sombra and mei destroy every game and prevent the tank player from playing.
Snipers have to be hard nerfed since there will be no player except for other snipers and genji to counter them and depending on the map widow/hanzo will be able to get free picks on enemy spawn, since unless you have a og main tank player, you’ll get rolled.
Supports need more ways to protect themselves and need their aoe heals buffed or converted into single target heals, because bap and moira can’t heal 3 diving dps before their team ask for a mercy/lucio switch.
Sym is once again useless because she can’t get charge and junk can do even less than he could.
With this current balancing and without RADICAL changes, unless you are plat or below and no1 plays sniper/hard countering comps in your comp games, you would never have fun with overwatch again as a tank or a support.
There is just so much to change we’d be basically back almost 4 years in time when there could be 2 zens and 2 monkeys or 6 dvas. And by then dps queues would be 10 minutes back again because no1 wants to be yelled at for not playing the most optimal tank pick.

Jeff, this 3-2-1. feels amazing. I love the game again. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS AWAY :joy:


NOOooooo. I love it. I used to main tank, but kinda hated how little impact I felt I was having and started playing DPS, even with the queue times. NOW I LIKE PLAYING TANK AGAIN UNDER THIS MODE.

Please keep this up long enough to gather some real data and makes tweaks based on feedback.