Experiment time?

just pondering what an “experimental mode survey” in game would have. Like allowing you to adjust your responses up until the card leaves and locks in your “votes”. Bunch of questions and radio buttons to respond like: “do you prefer mode X or mode Y”, “what role/modified character did you enjoy/play the most”, “rate your experience with this experiment”.
Convenience will get more direct feedback, and having it represent the mode as a whole rather than game-by-game will encourage giving it more thought, though not knowing when it’ll leave might cause some to get left out from waiting too long. Also could have the number of times the person played the mode submitted along with their response.


most of the negative feedback is coming from passive main tank players who used to rely on their teammates a lot do their job.

These people are trying to do the same and fails miserably because they cant do the same as a solo main tank.

This is probably the best thing that happened for off tank players. I think this is how the game should be to be honest. I know people dont like change. But boring holding shield main tank role needs to go away from this game.

Tanks need to be more like hog, dva and zarya, hammond is. Winston isnt too far away as well.

Tanks need to be tanky and fun to play, and fun to frag people as well. I think people who used to just play that passive boring tank role need to clear their minds and go with this change and learn to have some fun.

Just my thoughts.


I’m enjoying it a great deal. I get to play a very active tank role, which is something that I haven’t been able to play since all pick.


Okey okey i’m sorry xdddd

I’ve played with the Experimental Card too much so I forgot about it.xdd

Even if it doesn’t go Live, is it possible to have it for the Arcade? It’s fun playing Raid Boss Tanks.


awww nooo :frowning: I like 3-2-1. Not enough to replace 2-2-2 (especially not for comp) but at least 2 weeks would be cool. I have to work, so I can only play 2 or 3 matches (even with shortened que times).

True, I probably got Gold everything in every game I played event though there were 3 DPS LUL

I wonder what the next experiment card will be…

75 dmg torb hammer ?

IRON CLAD Recon bastion

Soilder 76 with Roadhogs heal

Remote Control BOB???

NOOOO I LOVE 1-3-2 already


My only complaint is the skill level matchmaking. I’m a plat in every role, I’ve been seeing silvers and GM’s in my games. Very one sided.

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I was hoping it would last through the entire event and maybe see a balance update halfway through. I’m really saddened that I only get a few days to play around with 1/3/2. :frowning:


Hi Jeff! Thank you very much for talking to us, it means a lot! :slightly_smiling_face: :heart_eyes:
I’d like to ask that is it possible that you could give us any information about the release date of Hero 32? Like is he/she/it coming in the first part of the year or later? :grin:
Thank you very much again!

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Jeff says community feedback is important now, but look how people overwhelmingly dislike the Sym rework and that has stayed.

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You should put a system ingame to rate the matches! people who enjoy something aren’t going to flood to the forums or social media as heavily as people who hate something. Even emongg’s repeatedly been saying on stream he really doesn’t want to come to the forums to give feedback and wants something ingame.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++support with two hands

1-3-2 feels too much like deathmatch. Just another dagger into the hearts of support and tank mains.


A lot of people like it. I like it. Sym 2.0 would never work in the modern game, there are too many more effective short range heroes. It was basically dead the minute Doomfist went in.

As a data scientist: a forum is only a good tool for qualitative feedback. Qualitative data doesnt bring an accurate despiction of people’s opinion: In forum, thoughts are echoed, and negative feedback tend to be prevalent over the positive one.
If you want to see the agreement rate of the community, you should implement a “poll feature” after the experiment card. After gathering data with the poll, you may interpretate the results with forum feedback.

Of course, polls can be boycotted or missresponded, but if they are very short and have 2-3 well designed items the immense majority of responses should be of good quality.

Also, poll responses can be matched with player’s profile, so you will be adjust the results by rank, time played, mains, etc. This is far harder by only using forum data.

Hope this helps (sorry for not-so-good english)


It soothes me somewhat that most players seem to agree with my personal opinion that 1-3-2 only serves to highlight just how much 2-2-2 has improved overall match flow and quality. :grinning:


Why leave so little time?

The 321 is something you should leave several weeks to see the problems and try new experiments that are needed to adapt the 321 as best as possible.

Then we would have to re-work-balance the Tanks as well as balance the healer and some DPS.

It is necessary to give people time to adapt to this composition so that they can better see the advantages and disadvantages of the 321.


Jeff - I doubt you’ll see this, but has any thought been given to making Roadhog’s Take A Breather an area control / denial effect, rather than a gassy biotic field?

Basically the same duration / AoE as the Experimental version, only it deals low poison damage over time – like a slightly less potent Venom Mine – to enemies that run into the zone. (Given that Hog’s a bit of a gassy individual and all.)

Partly this feeds into Hog’s role as a short-range terror, but it also prevents Hog players from getting top healing when the match is focused on a lot of close-up team brawls. I’ve had a few friends who play Support mention that it feels really bad to not be healing as much as their Tank is, almost as if they’re not contributing to the match at all.