Exp Card Waiting Room (Possibly)

Nothing yet…

there is still time tho

It’s not instant, let them some minutes.

You realize that Baby D.Va is much more of a disadvantage than a advantage.

Your still down a tank.

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we still have 20 mins to see if it doesn’t release by 20 mins yeah none

we riot in five minutes.

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We’re going to get an announcement of when they’re going to announce the next experimental on Reddit

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Still nothing

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Yeah, and dying is more disadvantage than advantage. It’s not my problem that D.va feeds 600hp, she’s got the mech passive to be able to come back to the fight if the enemy is not able to kill you, not to insta kill people

Every other hero doesnt even have the opportunity to not die on the first feed

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? Baby Dva is not a disadvantage? It’s literally a 2nd life to a 600hp high mobility high armor damage eating tank, if you’re in Baby Dva form, you can get your life back in the same fight, it’s not a disadvantage LOL


You have 150hp and 0 abilities


It’s a disadvantage since you don’t get the same value, but DvaDiff shoudn’t complain about having a second opportunity
Like the passive already gives Dva some extra value

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first a toilet paper shortage then a gas shortage and now a experemental card shortage wow.

No exc yet :frowning:

You have a (bunny) gun… :rabbit:

It’s not instant. Wait some minutes until they post it.

That’s not the point of Baby Dva, no crap she’s gonna have 0 abilities and weak, she just “died”. The point of Baby Dva is to be able to get your life again in the same fight, any other tank would’ve been dead when you fed, but now you have a chance to remech and go back in’

I can’t believe people actually are saying Baby Dva is bad LOL It’s literally a 2nd life/chance in the teamfight

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no need for an experimental card

just HOTFIX mccree

Well…I’m honestly beginning to think we’re not getting one this month at all. This months content is the OW2 PvP steam and the AMA.

I hope I’m wrong…