Exp Card Waiting Room (Possibly)

They’re so lazy lmaooo

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Status 2:05: Not yet

is tornado ur local new source or something why are guys all asking him.

Can’t wait to feed more!

I’m not saying that it’s weak… but it comes with more problems than it actually being helpful.

I agree… it’s nice having a 2nd life… but it comes at a large cost of taking time from another team-fight thanks to staggering.

my sources currently sweating…


By the way, I think you didnt read my message
Is your name inspired in the football player Messi? Or is it just your surname?

so you’re saying being dead is more useful than being baby dva???

as baby dva you have a chance to get your life back in 30secs, literally resurrecting yourself so you don’t have to come back from spawn, and with the new remech buff, your 2nd ult has a higher higher kill potential than doom’s ult LOL


I’ll going to personally punch myself in the wiener

Welcome back to tornado news your most reliable news source in the overwatch community.

You dont want to know what happened to the last person who questioned my wisdom and powers

Also still nothing

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Yeah I am.



They have run out of ideas, rest comes with OW2. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: (Or not) :crazy_face:

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yeah it was inspired by the player

Important message: There’s been weeks where the ExC has lasted 20 minutes to come in. Just wait.



But I wanna start hating on them now :frowning:

It better be a good one if I have to wait 20 mins for this

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They trying to fix the balance on there new heroes. :boom: :boom:

Still nothing btw…

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