Exp Card Waiting Room (Possibly)

Ah got ya got ya. So it was basically widow as the only one being meta for years then?

Yep. Ashe was still meta for like half a year, so it’s ridiculous either way.

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are you 100% sure that we’ll get an experimental?
last week they already forgot to put it so maybe this week again

Junkrat DPS nerfs because it’s not normal that a spam hero spams more than McCree. That shouldn’t be legal

I’ll be happy if Call Mech damage is reduced to 150 just to shut people up about it but so it can still kill a random tracer

250 or nothing :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

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He said “there is a possibility”. It’s Thursday (update day) so it makes sense. It’s also a week from the 20th, which is an important pvp day.

With 150 I wouldn’t mind as much, but I just hate getting insta killed by a ult you get by feeding and then spamming

what do you mean of course we do.

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Any news of the Exc??

Let us hope this waiting room isn’t all in vain.

Oh, and also, I misread “beverage” as “barbeque” and now I’m hungry.

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Ikr, but we can’t never expect anything from Blizzard. The ExC cooldown is usually 3 weeks, but this time it’s been 4 weeks today

Nothing yet…


TORNADO :balance_scale: :balance_scale:

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The one she had was fine

Exactly, Junkrat is totally broken and he should totally get nerfed. I think he should just be able to deal 1 damage and have 3 ammo.

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honestly, just another dissapointment again I see

**Anything? Hello? **

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Not having to come from spawn is already a lot of value.

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yay nothing! Go balance team go!

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