Exclusivity madness

I see people whining about the jester sombra skin that came out yesterday and the new remix demon hunter sombra that comes in season 7. First blizzard never said that founder pack skins are exclusive and demon hunter is a remix not the original and i am pretty sure i saw people that got the original from loot boxes. When we will stop with this exclusive stupidity defending some pixels?


Yeah people are just acting weird about this. It’s like they think having a “rare” skin increases their self worth or something… This might be the only community that complains about less FOMO tactics.


They still use FOMO to get you to buy them initially….them selling or providing another way later on to acquire does not take that away


When they stop releasing limited skins just to bring them back later.


I have the Lucio DJ skin. It would be cool if other people who want it were able to get it. People are so lame.

Is that a trick question?

Ok, OP then explain why Pink Mercy for example never returned??

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While agree that the people who lost their “exclusive” skins should be laughed at, I disagree as to the reason why you’re laughing at them.

I laugh at them because it was blatantly obvious that Blizzard was going to scam them out of their money. I don’t laugh at them because I think what Blizzard was “Okay” in any sense of the word. It is detestable, disgusting, and an absolute disgrace for a company to do that to its customers, THE people giving them money.


They did say the Watchpoint skins were exclusive then made them available this Anniversary.

If exclusivity doesn’t mean anything then when can I have Tyrande Sym?

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My guess is they were putting together a clown themed shop pack, and forgot Jester Sombra was part of a launch exclusive pack. Suspect they haven’t been keeping great notes on when and how skins have been released. Would explain how an OWL shop exclusive Mercy skin got given away free, forcing them to refund OWL tokens.

It is different since a 3rd party is involved,same case with Lego Bastion,no way that’s coming back after Lego cut ties with Blizzard.

I think you might be confusing Owl (animal) with OWL (esport) :sob:
The only “Owl” Mercy skin that I can recall being refunded is Owl Guardian, which was given away through Prime Gaming just a week after it was in the regular shop.


Now that everyone agrees that exclusivity is stupid I can have Lego bastion lol

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For some reason I kept thinking she was in the OWL shop. Probably confusing her with a different OWL shop skin. Lol

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Ok, what about past Blizzcon skins? The Genji and Sym? Rein one? What is the excuse here?


There isn’t,and they should honestly bring them back too cause I need that Sym skin.

It’s because the community complains about everything. It’s “cool” to hate on the devs of your own game right now.

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Anyone who is willing to waste 20/50/whatever at a skin without question can only blame themselves for any future regrets. Those who pay for their precious little “exclusive” pixels, then whine later when they become available for others as well, even demanding refunds. Happened with Sombra Demon Hunter when some clowns bought that Blizzcon ticket just to get one skin, then got upset when it became available later in a free challenge, foaming about how they are entitled to a refund. Pffft. Take some responsibility for your own stupid decisions.

Though, that being said, I’m not defending Blizzard and their scummy FOMO tactics. While they might not explicitly say some skin is exclusive, they sure as heck don’t want to say anything about them becoming available later either and instead use your usual marketing language like “Last chance!” which actually means: last chance to use this particular offer. So while they might be doing “less FOMO” by releasing exCLUsIvE skins later, they most definitely still use FOMO tactics to sell them. In that regard I understand why people might be upset. Still, you should know by now how modern gaming industry operates. Learn from it and don’t fall into their “exclusivity” traps.

I don’t feel positive about the blizzcon skins to return but i do know that if they can recolor the demon hunter sombra they will do that to the others too!

False; the premise of these skins was always FOMO. It’s painfully obvious that’s the problem but apparently it’s easy to misrepresent in bad faith.