Exclusivity madness

The founders pack people are probably still gonna be the only ones with it too cause I don’t know anyone who would willingly buy something that ugly

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Outside of skins like the blizzcon ones and pink mercy. Most can come back and I wouldn’t feel cheated. And mind you all blizzcon and pink mercy I don’t have.

Now one could say that it’s lazy and should come at a discounted price. Because you’re not making a new skin you just colored it different. But we all know it’ll be full price. :joy:

People always complained about ‘exclusive skins’ thinking they are special for owning a pixel lol.

Fake exclusivity like all of their egregious monetization practices is unacceptable. Either the item is exclusive or they have to refund people somewhere for simply lying and blatant deception.

I don’t care about exclusivity. What I do care about is that the event skin for this week’s reward is a skin I already have because I (foolishly) bought the Watchpoint Pack when I thought there’s no way Blizzard could butcher Overwatch.

What I do care about is that this has been a recurring theme. Watch on You Tube for rewards! Check out drops! Event skins for free by playing yaaay!

Nearly everything has been content from OW1 that most people have (I’ve had all of it, for example) and the stuff that hasn’t was already purchased as part of a package.

Also, the fact that they made a 50 dollar skin pack of clowns so clowns can buy it, tickles me.

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No one cared about the free Doom/Sombra skin. I know, I was there when they were saying “but you get this for free”. And everyone ignored it because their existing legendaries are miles better. And Demon Hunter went into the default loot box after a while because it was a reference skin (like several others they added to he vanillia loot box)

Just ignore the crying, they’ll be onto the next weekly thing to complain about… in about 3-4 more days.

i could be remembering it wrong but i think they brought out the demon hunter sombra skin from one of those events in ow1. were u play x number of games and youd unlock skins and such

They did indeed put Demon Hunter Sombra in the store or for an event, that’s how I got the skin back in OW1.

(I started replying to you Chiyo thinking Prediction was me because of the icon lol )

It’s the same as people on Twitter that post whiney tweets about having their NFT “stolen”.
“Stop copying my JPEG (Skin)!!! :(”

The Founder’s pack came free with you playing Overwatch 1.

Really these people can’t give 1 proof it was sold as an “exclusive” skin. Same with the ones from watchpoint pack.

Even in the early seasons (OW2), the skins in bundles of 30 or 10 dollars, each skin said “sometimes available at the shop” or something in the hero gallery, I dont remember the exact sentence, exact same thing with Sigma Bee Legendary skin, it was part of a bundle (S3 I think). Exact same thing with the Kiriko and Cassidy skins in the current bundle, see by yourself, it has the same message in the hero gallery.

OW2 has a lot of issues, but a part of the playerbase just not reading even a sentence isn’t one of them. (or just hearing from others it’s “exclusive” and not searching the info).

hah happens

im pretty sure i got it from one of those challenge events, i cant remember what they called em but the ones that had like comic tracer or the origin ashe or w/e that skin is called.

googled it

it was Halloween Terror 2019

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It is genuinely bananas that they have managed to desecrate the IP as much as they have. They consistently make the absolute worst decisions which is, I suppose, how they actually managed it. If they occasionally made a decent choice every now and again, I assume this game would be thriving. It wouldn’t even take much to please the playerbase if we are being entirely honest. We are clearly easy.

Unfortunately I think it’s beyond saving. OW2 is what it is. OW1 was a better game, it deserved to get the content schedule that OW2 has, but that’s not how things played out.

So even though OW2 is a lesser game, it is still basically the only real hero shooter in the market. So I’ll keep playing now and then, get my battle pass complete, but I won’t be spending 30 bucks on a single skin or putting any more money into this “industry standard” monetization (battle pass aside).

Things I used to look forward to, events, skins, voice lines - all that’s pretty much gone. I don’t care about these limited time events, majority of which have been disappointing. Even new heroes and maps, I’m just sort of neutral about. Don’t really care.

That’s OW2.

Another plug for the 6v6 custom modes though ( 6v6 Custom Modes in OW2 ) That has sort of helped me tolerate OW2 a little more.

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for me. it lasts about 5 seconds when I see someone with an 'exclusiveness" skin. then I realize that there is no bragging rights outside of saying" you own something and the only way to prove it is on the game itself being played. "

If I am going to go want something. its going to be from the Merch store, and not some digital picture.

Feel like kids need a class on online FOMO these days… I’m literally not mad if anyone gets a skin I have, and I only buy the ones I find really cool for a hero I play a lot.

Business practices won’t change, consumers just need to start being so stupid.