ExC tomorrow? [đź”®]

I’m making a thread before anyone else does. Or at least I think I am :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I want to see more “this is just for fun it won’t be pushed live” cards. I’ve always had a morbid curiosity to try 1 tank 4 dps 1 support. It would be a clown fiesta but seeing super buffed supports would be a nice surprise. Flying Zenyatta? Raid boss Brig?

Anyway, any ideas for a balance patch tomorrow? Though I believe the overall state of the game is quite healthy if not a bit stagnant.


Make Hammond do damage for just bumping people.


hoping there is an ExC tomorrow, if not then i’ll make another custom ExC i made myself


I dunno. Game’s fine. There are a few silly things I don’t like, but it’s nothing compared to patches and states of yore that made the game a snore. hee hee

Totally same. If anything, I want to see them drop the April Fool’s card (with Flying Sig) as a Custom Game preset. I need to relive those days.


We will be lucky if we get one blue post from that guy that only shows up on days where we used to get something of value in the game.

I hope I’m wrong tho.

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Oh I remember those… We got one last summer… But it has been a long winter…


I miss that ExC. It was broken yet super fun :pensive:

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A fun experimental? :thinking:
All rocket jumps knockback increased by 500%
Flying sigma again but instead remove grasp instead of shield
Auto aim Sym
You can now ride on orisa (my personal favorite)


I’d like to see more tank buffs to shift the meta. I’m kinda getting tired of Brig D.va ball zen comps.

They should put these on ExC too that a sym main proposed


1.Grenade no longer has instant effect (Grows from 0 to 100% over second time)
2.Doomfist no longer can abuse all those bugs. They forbid it in OWL, then why we have to endure it in the comp?
3.Baptiste drone removed from the game
4.Add recoil to Tracer or remove recoil from Soldier76. Its infair lol
5.Reaper deals double damage to Reinhard/Orisa/Signa/Zarya/Winston shields
6.Symmetra can shot through shields and players
7.Torb has increased damage on his hammer (same with Reinhardt)
8.Ashe unscopped has same damage and firerate with scopped.
9.Hanzo no longer can lunge mid-air. Cause it makes no sense
10.If Hanzo still can lunge mid-air, then Mccree again should be able to roll mid-air. Its only fair that way
11.Genji deflect duration reduced to 1 second. Genji’s dash no longer deals damage, but instead no longer locks animation and camera, so Genji can perform other actions during dash including deflect during dash. (Basically allows him to oneshot players on distance and more reliably deflect gravs)
12.Junkrat grenades on death have bigger spread and deals same damage as his primary fire. Cause it looks extremely annoying and fun, just like Junkrat himself
13.Roadhog pulls tanks only to 50% of original distance, cause tanks are heavy. Hook no longer places enemy horizontally to Roadhog’s position and make him face roadhog, cause its very weird.

You won’t get a balance Patch this is blizzard


Nope we’re not getting one tomorrow. Sorry but it’s not happening


I swear these “Patch/Exc this week?” threads are turning into a dog scratching the door as they wait for the owner to come home.

“They’ll definitely be back… now!” :smiley:
“Okay… Now!” :slightly_smiling_face:
“I meant… Now!” :neutral_face:
“This time!” :slightly_frowning_face:
“This time?” :worried:
“…This time?” :cry:
“T-t-this… Time?” :sob:

EDIT: Well here’s me with egg on my face xD


I highly doubt that they’ll keep balancing the game.

We may see some OW2 changes? But nothing more.

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I don’t think we will get one, since the recycled events are an easy excuse for Blizzard to not doing anything during that time.

Hahahahah, ofc there won’t be any ExC tomorrow xDDDD

what are y’all thinking

moira buffs pleaseeee



The 20 meter symm beam feels so good to use, like i can actually reach the enemies (flyers included) without going in their face and insta dying lol.

And who can forget the flying reaper? So much fun

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