QoL changes Sym needs

These changes are purely for the sake of making her feel better to play, rather than increasing her power level.

  1. Teleporter is no longer cancelled when attempting to place in an invalid location.
    Currently when attempting to place TP in an invalid location, the whole ability is cancelled and you need to re-activate it. Reaper’s teleport does not cancel like Sym’s and can be spammed until a correct location is found.

  2. New setting: Photon Barrier defaults to vertical.
    Using the ultimate vertically is the best use most of the time as it allows you to push up and weave in/out. This setting means there’s one less button press to get the optimal usage out of wall.

  3. Turrets are no longer destroyed when teleported off the payload.
    I don’t know whether this is a bug or an intended feature. I’ve made several bug reports about this but to no avail. Placing turrets on a payload and then teleporting them off will currently destroy the turrets but not the TP.

  4. Fix emotes on moving objects.
    There’s also a bug where Sym will slide when using persistent emotes on moving objects, causing the emote to cancel. This isn’t exclusive to Sym and I’ve noticed the same happen to select other heroes. Let me sit down on the Rialto boats damn it!



YES PLEASE. It’s super annoying to have your teleporter get instantly destroyed without it taking any damage. Not to mention the 10 second cd…

That’s something else. That’s a bug where the game decides the exit is valid, but the entrance clips into some structure and breaks. This has been in the game for years!!

What I’m talking about in the OP is when you try to place TP in an invalid location (so the TP is red) and click the confirm button, the TP will cancel and you have to re-activate it by pressing E again. Reaper’s teleport doesn’t have this mechanic and the player is free to spam the confirm button until a valid location is found.

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Ooh that. Didn’t know about this.

Finally. Good Sym changes that aren’t just “Give her more damage”. Her issue is her clunky kit not being streamlined. Her damage is fine rn.

I say do all of these. :+1:


Teleporter is such a cool ability but it feels damn near impossible to use because I’m afraid it will just implode on it’s own accord whenever I place it… Considering how much of Sym’s value seems to be in her teleporter basket it really, really needs to be more reliable. Blizzard have built a fairly well deserved reputation as makers of “polished games” and when most things in OW live up to this and work so smoothly it really makes the teleporter stand out like a sore thumb in comparison.

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Bump because this thread should be given more attention


Another one:
Allow sym to pick up bodies/basketballs with her primary fire like she used to :sunglasses:


QOL for the entire community, ban sym one tricks

Ban all one tricks ;o


or we could just do the same to players like you - I figure the community would benefit even more

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  1. Agree, already issued to the devs, still no response.
  2. It would be cool, but it’s not like you can’t just press the button one more time (also there is a bug if you press too fast, the barrier position will go to the center of the map)
  3. It’s a bug, started before echo patch. there is a detailed explanation here: Ghost Turret 2.0 [patched!] - YouTube
  4. It’s also a bug, everyone suffers from this one.

I actually have a sym bug list with all listed, I still need to update because with the halloween update, more appeared. I’ve sent to the devs, still no response.

A real QoL that I’ve been asking for a while is for the tp entrance to always spawn in sym’s feet.

Yes to all 4 of these especially 2.

I can not tell you the many times I wish vertical is set by default.

This could also be implemented to Mei which is amazing

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I really like the idea for the Photon Barrier orientation setting. I don’t play Sym a ton, so not being well-practiced is definitely a major factor, but my failure rate at hitting ult twice before confirming is distressingly high. And, since the perpendicular orientation always goes through Sym and thus doesn’t care about the z-axis position of the crosshair, accidentally placing it in the parallel orientation can easily put the wall in Narnia.

This happens when Mei dances on the payload too and all I can do is sit. It’s a sad time when you are on payload duty and can’t even dance to keep yourself entertained.

I will advocate for these til I die. Especially the first one.
Most of these are just nice, but that first one genuinely annoys me and I wish there was a way to directly tell the devs this.

Now that we are at it, give her full beam charge when she uses her ult =P