Everytime hanzo kills me

they are just pissed off that all their cool buffs and skills will at some point fail against raw skill. Not understanding that some people put thousend of hours into handling the mouse with surgic precision and deserve the dominance they therefore gained in any fps shooter. Hanzo is just the most efficient outlet for that power, so they blame him and not the Players behind them.
Maybe Blizzard should force you to put some dedicated time in any charachter before you’re allowed to ranked. I think that’d increase tollerance and understanding of the game a lot.

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…if his arrow hits the head lol

No, hanzo might not be no skill, but he definitley isnt as hard to play as like, widowmaker, for example. He is much easier than widowmaker, or pretty much any hitscan. But he is not the no skill cheesy hero everyone makes him out to be.

Let me explain: it’s not Hanzo’s arrows it’s the head hitbox. You can check by yourself that even if you pick Widow or any other hero you’ll still hit the head even tho you clearly werent aiming at it.

We don’t know, but still they are among the smallest.

I swear people who upvote this don’t understand how projectiles work.

When Hanzo fires the shot, it probably wasn’t anywhere near your head, it has travel time and you probably walked into it.

Hanzo does not have a massive hitbox, it is one of the smallest in the game. We all know that, why are we pretending we don’t?


The notorious Hanzo defender himself.

I won’t deny that but anyone that actually plays him will know this thread is hyperbole BS.

Statistics also support this fact!

That being said anyone that plays Hanzo will know the community has always been completely biased against Hanzo :man_shrugging:

Hanzo is hard to head D.va and Genji is what I have noticed for me.

A lot of confusion in this thread about projectile size vs hitbox size. Geoff’s post is referring to -projectile- size. The hitbox is, in fact, ginormous. I’m sure it probably compares to the other projectile heroes, difference being those other heroes can’t throw one-shot potential shots all day. (slight exception to Zen, but right clicks are telegraphed and he has to reload a lot if he’s using them)

I definitely think Hanzo still needs a little looking at. imo the projectile speed buff was a real shame, I loved the idea of him having an arcing shot that required a lot of practice to nail down.

Nothing tilts me more than getting killed by Hanzo. I’ll accept it as my fault if I let Brig get on top of me, didn’t watch for flanking Doomfists, etc… but man, getting killed by Hanzo just feels bad every time. lol

Also hanzo has unlimited arrows so he never has to take the punishment of having to reload. Since he has unlimited arrows it makes easier to headshot a player. According to statistics.

Widowmaker is a lot easier to play than Hanzo. Her disengage has a lot more range and brings her out of any flankers’ arms range, being hitscan and having a scope makes her able to be threat you can’t dodge even at extreme ranges and 2 bodyshots still kill any squishy and her headshots deal more damage than Hanzo’s.

You can only argue that Hanzo ultimate is a lot better if in combo with Zarya.

I don’t know if someone else already said this in this thread, but the death cam isn’t reliable.

It shows what happened on your screen, and not what happened on the enemy’s screen.

On the enemy’s screen could Hanzo has headshotted you, but was this not visible on your screen thanks to latency. Latency messes projectiles pretty big tbh. Just take a look at disappearing projectile ultimates.

I’m sorry, but what?

There is a reason why Hanzo is being called Spamzo sometimes. It’s because of his ability to spam arrows, especially with his Storm Arrow ability. Sure, Widowmaker can kill safely from a distance but in close to medium range is Hanzo way easier to play.

And let’s be honest here, is Hanzo even being played as a sniper? If so, then of course is it harder to hit enemies. He has projectiles ( which has a bigger hitbox than hitscan btw). Hanzo is best used in midrange.

It’s funny, because out of every hero in the game, Widowmaker indeed has the easiest time headshotting!

Her rifle is designed to have the easiest time! Scope + Hitscan!

In exchange she is very vulnerable, her overall dps is very low and if she fails to escape using her mobility, she is dead.

Hanzo on the other hand has a much harder time headshotting, projectile + no scope.

In exchange he has a much higher dps for lower consistency.

Statistics say otherwise:

  • Widowmaker has: 50.23% Win Rate, 45% Weapon Accuracy, 15.8% Crit, 21.65 Kills per match average.
  • Hanzo has: 49.68% Win Rate 33% Weapon Accuracy, 10.3% Crit, 24.26 Kills per match average.

The slight difference in kills in favor of Hanzo is exactly because Storm Arrow allows him to rapidly tag enemies which means he gets kills that are not really his merit too while Widow gives a huge contribution with each hit.

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I have almost 130 hours on hanzo and nearly 50 on widow, so this may be why, but i find hanzo a million times easier to play than widow. I hit shots more consistently, well, i hit shots period, on hanzo. widow is like a grab bag. I might click some heads if they have a orisa that forgot to put down her shield, or someone is standing still, but for the most part on widow im a body shot bandit.

No no, in exchange he can climb walls( with no cooldowns),
jump forward,
spam heads,
hit heads even when aim is off the enemy,
see through the walls;
His ultimate can pass through the wall;
His ultimate can only be blocked by Matrix;
And he can start farming another ultimate right after pressing Q.

This one is pretty weird.

Every other hero with a projectile ultimate can’t get ultimate charge if their ultimates are active except Hanzo.
Why is Hanzo the exception to this rule?

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Because Blizzard chose some heroes to be broken and others to be a trash, and call this “balancing the game”.