Everytime hanzo kills me

But in according with papa Jeff he has the smallest projectiles in the game, so you should be all fine and dandy being hit in the head when the arrow should be travelling past you.

Yeah, Hanzo is 100% bull still, heck before his rework the scatter was bull but could live with it. Now we have this God mode Hanzo that excels at all ranges, busts tanks and fly all over the place with stellar mobility. And this is called “balanced” for some reason.


Just in case you don’t know, Ana is hitscan when scoped and projectile when not scoped.

She needs to aim exactly on the enemy in both situations, even when the target is standing in front of her. That’s why good Anas does quick scopes.

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What level you at eh?

I honestly don’t think Hanzo’s current status should be treated as a projectile hero. They buffed his arrow speed so much there’s barely any need for prediction. I just think they need to change him quite a bit. He’s a bit too powerful currently. I preferred him before the rework, but I guess scatter arrows was a bit too much for people, so they’d have to replace it with something else… I would like a skill like storm arrows, just make it have an attack speed equivalent to McCree’s primary fire and give him only 3 and make it so it can bounce off a surface once and make it so the damage is a bit more than it currently is but slightly lower than a fully charged arrow.

I just really want his old version back with an ability that can bounce arrows… I loved the idea of bouncing arrows


And yet the people who run him often think they are terribly well skilled… the irony…

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I still think Hanzo takes skill to be good… But nowadays a person can just spam Storm Arrows into a crowd to get a kill and can treat his primary fire more like a hitscan primary fire so they don’t need to really lead shots. I think anyone plat and maybe even gold and above can pretty easily play Hanzo decently nowadays.

I miss the days when Hanzo was a troll pick and I’d still do well as him T.T

Also I find it pretty rare to run into an actually good Hanzo… For the most part all the Hanzos I go against are so bad you can walk up to them and kill them.

Just go to profile.
Diamond rank

Didn’t they make it so that his projectiles are faster so they’re closer to hitscan? So isn’t this less true than it used to be? Have they reduced the hitbox radius for Hanzo because of it, or did they leave it?

I was going to say. I play a lot of Mei and aiming for headshots is not hard. But, Mei has it way worse then Hanzo. At least Hanzo can release his arrows whenever he wants. Mei has to track, aim, and have twitch like reflects due to the delay of her shoot. She’s got to account for the projectiles speed and arc + predict how the enemy will move during the delay of she shoot.

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Meh. I think she’ easier. Takes a bit of getting used to but her projectile size makes up for it.

you realize that hanzo is a projectile hero

if projectile hitbox was the same as hitscan, why would you ever play projectile since its harder to hit anything? its basic logic

if hanzo had the same hitbox as mccree he would be a troll pick that can’t hit anything at all due to travel time


His projectile speed was buffed, but he still has the smallest projectile size in the game. I feel like you’re trying to analyze evidence to claim that Hanzo is too easy to play, but you wouldn’t say that out loud because we both know that’s just not the case.

It might be infuriating that he’s meta and so good right now, but it really has nothing to do with hitbox interactions. It was everything to do with the fact that he’s such an overall good ranged damage dealer whose only weakness to dive was entirely mitigated by the release of Brigitte.

im pretty sure the hitbox is the same as Widowmakers, if not slightly larger. Theres some videos on youtube comparing the two.

I didn’t say anything against Hanzo at all, I literally just asked you questions. I brought it up because I remembered them buffing his speed and everyone talking about how it made him ‘too close to hitscan’ on the forums for a while after they did it.

If Hanzo has the smallest projectiles in the game, what are the other projectiles? The only ones I can think of are D.Va’s micro missiles and Mei’s icicle… I’m pretty sure everything else in the game are bullets? Which - I mean, saying it’s the ‘smallest projectile’ doesn’t really mean much if you’re comparing it to just those two things, neither of which are primary fire. I also remember that originally they had a hard time with Hanzo’s projectiles being ‘logs’ as in too large, so I’m not sure how much they reduced it down to, but it seems probable to me that a McCree bullet is a lot smaller than a Hanzo arrow projectile? Could be wrong, but I don’t think I am on that one.

I just find it surprising that Hanzo gets leniency on headshots and a bigger hitbox to hit than the other characters who we normally compare him with, particularly after they increased his speed and thus lowered that challenging aspect of his kit. Especially when you factor in that his kit is just so good, along with his ultimate, compared to the likes of Widowmaker and McCree.

Dude has like everything going for him lol

bold of you to assume that isn’t exactly what they want

when these posters claim his hitbox is “huge” it tells me that they want it reduced

its actually one of the smallest according to dev


The following are heroes that use projectiles.

  • Doomfist
  • Genji
  • Hanzo
  • Junkrat
  • Mei
  • Pharah
  • Symmetra
  • Torbjorn
  • D.Va
  • Orisa
  • Roadhog
  • Zarya
  • Ana
  • Lucio
  • Mercy
  • Zenyatta

Out of all of those heroes, Ana’s unscoped is the only projectile that is smaller than a Hanzo arrow. Genji’s shurikens are the same size.

Mei is particularly notable for having a projectile that is both significantly larger and faster than Hanzo. Without bullet drop. Zen’s orbs also come close.

Well, yeah. McCree, as are all hitscan heroes, shoot a 1px x 1px raycast. That is to say that their bullets are as small as it is possible for them to be, but they also have zero travel time.

Hanzo doesn’t get any extra leniency on headshots that isn’t already afforded to him through the virtue of shooting projectiles with a hitbox.


his ultimate his useless without a CC ult to combo with, and you can combo McCree’s ult with the same things.

Widow’s ult is insane as long as the Widow is good, and the only counterplay to it is to not exist for 15 seconds.


From the Overwatch Wikipedia:

To answer your other question:

The difference is that when you aim at the head with McCree, you always get a headshot. The images showing the comparison between Hanzo and hitscan heroes aren’t fair either: If you compared Hanzo to other projectile heroes, you’d see how much easier it is for them to hit a headshot.

I don’t actually have the data on projectile size. I only know from Blizzard posts that Hanzo has the smallest, and D.Va / Mercy’s gun has the largest (even bigger than Pharah’s rockets).

It still seems like he’s able to get a significant amount of value from his kit over the average Widowmaker or McCree, who are the two characters I typically think of when I think of Hanzo’s class of character, at nearly all ranks.

When I was working on him it was before the speed buff, I can’t play him due to holding the bow down making my carpal tunnel act up, but my aim is… Let’s be nice and say average? And I was still able to do really well with him in a way that felt often times unfair. Simply spamming doorways and chokes can often net you kills in a way that you can’t really do with Widowmaker and Hanzo, and his ultimate is so much more useful in terms of getting you reliable kills if you use it even somewhat creatively. Now that he’s more mobile than ever I find him getting a solid average of like 2-3 picks per ult (which charges very quickly) even without comboing, which is something that doesn’t happen too often in my QP games.

Edit: It’s sort of like how I used to love Symmetra, and now when I play her and I do get kills it feels cheap, because her turrets are stupidly OP, but she as a character is very weak. It’s… Unbalanced.

He has the smallest projectile in the game, tied with Genji. People keep using this lie.