You can say the same thing about defensive heroes. Noting here any other hero can’t do… Just pick bastion and spray the enemies or Symmetra and wall them off. No reason really to count bruisers as tank specific skill.
He’s 3rd place after 100% Zarya and
And again, how is that really fair to give a target with much more hp than a dps, the same damage and even more than a dps? You pretty much make a stronger dps. There’s a reason goats was a thing in first place and that’s tanks doing everything.
Bruisers in theory are a good idea as you give less damage for less protection but in reality the current bruisers are just dps. Most hog players or Zarya players go full on dps getting kills rather than actually helping their teams.
First of all about the hook, I agree that in theory that what the hook is meant to do, but with it having so much range and hog having so much damage. all players prefer going offensive and using it for securing kills. Current hog almost never use it for defensive uses, only to get kills. You provide the same scare as getting into Widow’s sight or fighting up close with Reaper.
12 meters is crazy. and it’s not gonna let players to pass him. The other way around, Hog will use it more defensively making it even scarier as you can’t bait it anymore.
Besides, why only Reaper and Doomfist?
Reaper,Genji,Tracer,Doomfist,Roadhog,Mei,Hammond,Winston,,Reinhardt,Mccree, Symmetra,Sombra,Lucio & Brigitte all have to commit to a target, if you hook them away they can no longer reach it and instead are forced to fight you.
15 heroes out of 32…
Even without Lucio,Tracer,mccree or Symmetra as they all got some sort of way to keep on dealing damage. 11 out of 32 heroes is crazy amount.
You still cause massive damage to them but instead of death you just make them loose their kill and risk their lives.
If you like the concept of bruiser you can focus more on dps with the same concept rather than a tank, but it’s just not fair forcing a hero to be a better version of one role just because it is how it is. That forces things like goats to exist and overall just attract more dps players to the tank role rather than making sure tanks are fun in their own way. There’s a reason this game is split to roles and not just random heroes…
Each role got a job to do and it’s just fair to let it do it rather than going around it.
I don’t mind hog keeping his total damage output because of spread but he should have weaker burst in order to encourage defensive over offensive.