Everything that isn't a DPS shouldn't do a ton of damage


Seriously, this game is clearly inspired by TF2, and if you look at the interviews done on it they wanted to take that 6s format and show people it can be fun experience.

This means having heroes that are not all shooty bang bang, and more screw you I have a hammer, or screw you I have wings, or I’m a sneaky mofo.


Who would play tank if all they did was absorb damage, and dealt next to none?

And supports?

This is not a well thought out post


Basically, DPS q times would go through the freaking roof

this this this

OP, do you seriously think orisa with her 130dps slow, high spread projectile gun is better than widow one shotting from 60m across the map?

dps are by far the best at SECURING kills and getting PICKS. Utility dps are different however because they provide… well more utility obviously. for example a mei wall which can carry fights easily, or sym tping her entire team across the map, etc.


I can see that.

I’ve always imaged it like there were three dials.


And every character can have a combination of each of these; but turning one up attribute, say TANK, would lower the other attributes.

Rein, 8 Tank, 2 DPS, 0 SUPPORT
Ori, 6 Tank, 2 DPS, 2 Support
Sig/Hog 5 Tank, 5 DPS, 0 Support
Widow, 0 TANK, 9 DPS, 1 SUPPORT (Can’t tank. Does extreme DPS. Ult helps her team in a limited way.)
Mercy, 0 TANK, 1 DPS, 9 SUPPORT (Can’t tank. Can do subtle dps. Can use her support skills to survive and help her team)
Soldier, 0 TANK, 7 DPS, 3 SUPPORT (Can’t tank. Has strong DPS. Can support his team through his healing)
Brig, 3 TANK, 3 DPS, 4 SUPPORT (Can light tank. Can light DPS. Can support her team through CC, healing, ect.)

That kind of thing.

I think where things are off the rails a little now, is that some key characters have 2 categories turned up. They can TANK and DPS in equal measure, or SUPPORT and DPS in equal measure. And for a little while, some had all 3 tuned up.

I think if Blizz focused a little more on min maxing the characters, the game might lessen some of its imbalances.

Yatta yatta yatta.

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How are you meant to tank if people aren’t scared of you? They have high damage sure but they suck at securing kills


theres a very big line between a hero being a healbot and a hero being a better DPS

baptiste has a super bloated kit, hes a better support than most supports and a better DPS than most DPS, meanwhile zen is a perfect example of a DPS hybrid character, low healing for high damage as well as high risk for playing a character with that much potential value


This was the appeal of the game. Hero swapping, no one signle correct way to play, all playstyles were welcome.


I agree, which is Why I propose 90 hps on moira and 4000 hp barrier for Rein. Will et us redistribute the power from damage to the rest of their kit.


Other games, like MOBAs, Have Tanks being the primary CC class for this reason. Getting too close is a death sentence. I agree though, that as this game is now, they need damage to do their jobs.

DPS already has the best damage output in the game and almost every hero in that category has a kit designed entirely around either dealing more damage or securing a kill on a low target. I agree that Sigma is an exception to the rule because of how high his own damage and range is, but DPS has always been the class with the highest damage in the first place.

This doesn’t take into account the fact that tanks and supports can’t afford to do DPS while doing their main jobs, or have other limitations such as range, resources, movement, etc. Zen theoretically has more DPS than the vast majority of the roster but he’s not an issue because he doesn’t have a kit that allows him to put himself into easy situations where he can get off-angles or high ground, and also needs to position himself safely while having a LOS to his team to heal them.

DPS also needs to be smart with their engagements, which is honestly where I see a lot of these types of threads coming from. If you’re playing Tracer and waltzing right into a Zen, you’re making it dramatically more difficult for yourself when you can just flank around him and oneclip him before he can react. If the angle you’re attacking a Bap from is the same one he’s using to heal his tanks, then you’re giving him free reign to get potshots in on you between his healing rounds. Angles and engagements are so incredibly important and what sets apart good DPS from masterful DPS, and it annoys me that people are reducing the differences between heroes to nothing more than raw numbers. The game is so much more complicated than just that.

Better than who? I can see him being better than Sym/Mei but everyone else can do more damage and secure kills more easily.

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soldier:76, sombra

doomfist, torb, (bastion), Mei

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any DPS that isnt ashe widow cree tracer echo or hanzo

News flash, no one in the other roles does more base damage than any DPS. Most of you DPSers are just so vacant in the head that you don’t wanna acknowledge certain heroes in the game when you should be doing so. Maybe that tank’s hp isn’t going down BECAUSE you’re still pretending the healer right behind them doesn’t exist. What, too much brain power needed to process that?


Yeah this comment went to far…

I think what he is trying to say is that, even though the raw damage per second of DPS is higher, they have damage potentials close to tanks and supports

Example: Ana has no falloff
Hog can one shot with a bit of aim every 8 (i guess) sec
Zarya causes as much damage, has double the health and a barrier
Bap and Zen are supposed to cause damage and also heal

I agree with you that Dps fells like a worse tank/support. But playing tank and support would fell bad to if the non Dps characters get a dmg nerf

I hate to say this but Dps will always be a worse Tank/Support to the two fell fun to play

I would rephrase this to: “Tanks shouldn’t deal more damage than what’s necessary in order to make space and Supports should deal enough damage in order to defend themselves, not get kills)”

Despite that though, even as a Tank main myself, I agree with you.

How do you defend yourself if your damage isnt sufficient to threaten to kill someone?

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