What rules? I don’t remember there being a Dev code saying anything like that, infact newer heroes are more heal/shield focused than on release
how would tanks make space if they are not a threat. I do not believe support should be purely heal bots. Everyone needs a way to defend themselves.
devs have openly said they break a lot of design rules when they make new heroes
I don’t have the article on me but they talked about how they never wanted any way of accessing abilties/ultimates from other roles especially after role queue was added but they made echo, similarily they talked about how they didn’t want 2 of the same heroes on the same team
same thing with bap, because of how hard it was to balance rez they wrote about how they needed to add an ability to counter how powerful ultimates were in fights without using your own ultimate, especially when goats comp had such a good ult lineup
Playing devils advocate, there are ways but most of them people would complain about.
Don’t see what this has to do with supports and tanks not being able to do damage
But then dps just overwhelm tanks and supports.
Soldier 76. Or did you forget him?
Wrong, anything that isn’t DPS shouldn’t have a high TTK comparable to one.
Fun fact, most don’t, the other issue comes into play when you consider the health of enemies and the shots to kill.
Soldier: 76 hides in a corner
Bastion beeps nervously
Echo laughs in superiority
People like this game because of all the unique ways to do ones role.
Stop trying to homogenize the roles.
No, Mei does not need to be moved to tank, No, Sym does not need to be moved to healer, No, roadhog does not need to be moved to dps, No, tanks SHOULD do damage, No, dps SHOULD, have utility, No, Healers SHOULD be able to defend themselves.
Simple as that.
So from your logic Tank/ DPS hybrids and support/ DPS hybrids are bad , but DPS/Tank ( Doomfist, and Mei) and DPS/ Support are good.( 76 and Sym to a degree with her ULT)
Supports are not DPS accessories and Tanks aren’t just meat shields for DPS.
It’s a team game, if you respect each hero respective kit then then this post wouldn’t be made
well it is supposed to be a TEAM based OBJECTIVE game after all. Not Call of Duty.
Support with DPS is not exactly the same as “ton of damage”.
I got a real good laugh out of this.
Tank’s do the same or less damage then dps. Often their damage has qualifiers too. The most common one is range. Most tanks can’t effectively use their damage unless they are really close. So inside their optimal range tanks are lethal so they use their utility to meet those qualification and then take the space that the enemy has to move out of or die.
Removing a tanks lethality means their space is not respected and they are nothing but free Ult charge. Supports aren’t healers. They can heal, but to be a high rank support you need to be able to frag out when opportunity presents itself.
OP deserves a game with tanks literally booping everything away by 40 meters every attack
His next post would probably be: “I can’t do damagewith all these boops tankns shouldnt be able to make space with boops”
they should, tanks are supposed to be dangerous up close and mid range otherwise they would just be standing there doing nothing but waiting for dps to do something
How are tanks meant to make space without doing damage?
Tanks don’t have threat to make space if they don’t do dmg. Making space isn’t just about putting a barrier down, there has to be a reason the enemy will not want to go near them. Being large isn’t enough to intimidate. Support DMG is something I am torn on, but this heavily effects peel/the impact of DPS; the problem here is, by removing tank and support dmg you leave peeling almost exclusively to the DPS, who, by inherent application, are often doing work elsewhere/focus on other things…
Essentially you would be leaving DPS as the only truly impactful picks, and there is already a swamped roster of DPS/que times. You’d kill Tank and Support roles.
What I suggest is people stop acting like Overwatch is a First Person MOBA, and treat it like a Class Based Shooter.
I don’t think that low damage = heal bot. Lucio for example is an incredibly fun support to play, and he can have huge impact despite having low damage AND healing