Everything is worse, every single thing



agreed. maps feel soul less now. and the little things mattered! being on fire was a staple, with no impact, but it was NICE.
the elimination animation is just… its not impactful at all.

all of this is just awful


Wait, you mean the objectives people don’t like babysitting all day long are an existing but weaker focus?

Honestly, I’m too tired right now to read the whole post, but I do wholeheartedly disagree. Other shooters with good reputations aren’t loaded with shields and team-based rock-paper-scissors the way overwatch was before.


Reading is super hard, try to keep up.


Amen, brother. Amen. :cry:

You’re 100% right. Can’t wait until Overwatch 1 is back, via private servers or official.


I’m having tons of fun on every role. Tank especially makes me feel like a superhero instead of a punching bag like I used to.

Oh, and a Kiriko headshot knife feels awesome to land!

Loving the changes so far.


I get the distinct impression people saying OW2 is like early OW never actually played early OW. 2 mcree, 2 lucio, 2 discord orb is nothing like OW2. Tanks being unplayable unless you had an entire team of them making them unkillable, is nothing like OW2.


I agree with this post, Overwatch 2 is worse in every aspect than Overwatch 1. Nothing about Overwatch 2 is fun.


Wrong. The attraction from day 1 was that it wasn’t a FPS. It was a team strategy game where if you decided to pick certain heroes, you had FPS mechanics. Trying to make it just another run of the mill FPS like they did in OW2 is why OW2 is such a bad game.

The devs fundamentally don’t understand their playerbase. The same problems that made OW1 stagnate for years is why OW2 is going poorly.


Early OW was TF2 with waifus and more distinct kits.


The only issue with Overwatch was lack of updates, which happened because Jeff Kaplan and others on his team had to fight the corpo rats at the top on a daily basis to prevent them from meddling with the development of the game and turning it into something that Jeff himself didn’t want.

His colleagues vocally stated that Jeff’s vision was entirely different for Overwatch and Overwatch 2. He wanted to make a game for the players, not the corporation.

Unfortunately they drove him and most of the talent and passion out, so now all that is left are corpo people that turned his passion project into this free-to-play monetized trash devoid of any heart and soul, as they don’t have any faith in the product to begin with. If they did they’d treat it with respect and love and release a proper sequel… instead of masquerading a monetization patch with terrible overhauls as a sequel and then say it’s actually an Early Access title.


I don’t see how you can argue that OW1 was not an FPS. It… was. Furthermore OW2 is nothing like “another run of the mill FPS”… it’s nothing like CoD or Titanfall or Fortnite or Valorant or Apex where the focus is mostly about the gunplay, there’s no game on the market like OW2 and it’s a great game having a typical crap Blizz launch.

The devs do understand their playerbase, pretty much every change they’ve made for OW2 shows that. You just seem to be hung up on this weird idea of Overwatch where it’s not an FPS and is supposed to play more like a MOBA similar to Paragon (which is a game I really enjoyed but was shut down)


If they understood the playerbase, OW2 would have been an improvement to OW1, instead of a disappointment.


I’d like to throw in my two cents into the ring and say I absolutely detest how overly-reliant you are on your team.

It is absolutely astounding how some people cannot aim in this game.


aww you’re one of those people lmao

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Right because people NEVER got toxic over medals :roll_eyes:


OW2 is a massive improvement to OW1. Those disappointed liked a failed version of Overwatch 1 where spamming abilities and shields won games instead of skill


Have you seen the firsts characters gameplay trailers? It was literally them using their abilities and guns to kill peoples.


One crime that is going unnoticed is that they removed the original lighting from some maps almost entirely. Kings Row at night as well as Dorado is just 1000% deleted and gone? What does this even accomplish? They claimed to want to add variety but I don’t think we’re adding variety if we take this away. Why are these things not just cycling based on real world time or at least accessible through customs?

I get that lighting might be irrelevant or something to not care about but these maps were iconic for how amazing they looked at night. I thought we were getting proper day time and night time cycles.