Everyones forgotten genji - even devs

Genji is fine, especially in 2/2/2. Bunker just isn’t his meta, no big deal.

Genji is fine.

Wish i could forget about Genji…sadly hes in every 2nd game and playing the annoying card.


I think I speak for everybody with the following. I promise soon as I get into owl I’ll care very much about its balance. Until then I’ll keep caring about what I play which is ladder.

Yo what’s with all these Genji complaints? He’s been balanced for a long time.

Honestly i dislike how much they nerfed deflect, it needed to be reduced for sure but not by how much they did to it. Genji was already a high skilled hero as it is, now deflect is reduced in size to the size where you literally have to be pin point in some cases. I’ve had instances in high ping games were his deflect literally didn’t reflect something it should have.

Genji is a lot harder to play now then ever because of new heros and new hero changes.

Brig bash, Sombra Hack, Sombra EMP, Hammond Knockback, Hammond launching you up, doom fist uppercutting, Torbjorn instant turret, Symmetra buffed turrets, immortality field.

Its not surprising we see a lot more bunker comp, we literally just get thrown around everywhere now its ridiculous.

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he legit has the easiest projectiles to land next to maybe hanzo (insane velocity plus one shot sniper potential). literally every other projectile hero is in worse shape ATM than Genji, lol.

try mei or torb’s primary fire if you wanna see something that takes an immense amount of practice and skill to secure kills with. the fire rates are so slow you barely get a serious follow-up shot, torb has a stupid arc you always have to predict for, mei’s icicle is easy to dodge and can’t even reward you for skillful headshots (enemies always get healed or find cover immediately at real ELOs).

but genji has an entire kit geared toward letting him be wildly out of position and his alt fire is easier to land than a Reaper shotgun spam. genji is juuuuust fine, people. and let’s not get started on the dumpster fires that are pharah, junkrat and sym …worst/slowest three projectile heroes in the game that often feel like pulling the handle on a slot machine instead of playing the actual game.

Only way to balance when you need to cater to different skill levels of match making.

Top down is the only way.

Thats just the funniest thing the scream for even more brig nerf and ask to buff one the MOST use heros in the game thats just beutifull lol

number 3 dps in gm with a 4+% pick rate and a 54.4% win rate. he is fine.

Yes top of the ladder, because owl has nothing to do with ladder

Genjis seem to be the Chicken Littles of the OW world lol

So 54% winrate Master + GM is bad and that’s the reason why he needs a buff?

top500 wrote Genji is trash.
27lvl, probably 2k - wrote Genji is good

I’d like to mention this is not my main account, this is a symmetra one trick account. My main account is a low masters mercy account.

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And yet, a well played Genji is still oppressive. The price you pay for a character with very high skill ceiling… if not the highest.

Sorry need proofs :man_shrugging:
And you Symmetra main? Now I understand. You hate all heroes who can kill you: Soldier, Cree, Genji, Widow, Pharah all must be nerfed


At least Brigitte was nerfed. That helps him and dive a lot

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NO, all heroes except Genji was buffed. He still trash useless trash

h ttps://imgur.com/a/gHMkwmL

I am also a symmetra main.
I don’t hate all heros that can kill me, Symmetra’s issue isn’t that every character kills her, the issue is that she has no self sustain

You are putting words into my mouth

also I never even said that genji needs nerfs, I said that he was balanced

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