Everyones forgotten genji - even devs

Yeah… sure… whatever you want…

As someone that actively defended genji and tracer, genji is fine he definitely is still viable

People really exaggerate how bad he is when statistically he’s good.
He’s just another case of too much value in the ult, too little in the basic kit.

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He’s the most played DPS in average right now, second only to McCree.

Even in GM he’s just in third behind Widow and Hanzo, who are mostly used for their constant oneshot potential.

I think Genji will be fine, even with this global nerf.

But he doesn’t… Why does he need it? The shurikens are plenty fast enough at close/medium ranges and have 0 spread. He’s was above the median in pick/win rates during GOATS and now during bunker.

I genuinely don’t understand why you think he’s in need of more power. He works fantastically with Ana and is also pretty damn good paired with other healers from previous metas. Pharah still has to be chained at the hip to Mercy to be useful and McCree also needs to have a healer sewn to him to be able to survive. Soldier/Junkrat/Reaper/Bastion are all iffy against people who can aim and Sombra is only viable in OWL.

I just don’t see why he would need to be improved relative to all the other heroes in the Damage roster =\


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P much, when heroes like Orisa, Hog, Torb, Mei are meta Genji is gonna be garbage. He is not good at all.

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If you want to change Genji you’ll need to take some power out of dragon blade and put it into his base kit.

Projectile hero doesnt have damage fall off :open_mouth:
What a shock. such an OP character.
I didnt see you complaining about junkrats damage getting buffed??? I see you have a bias towards, no aim no brain characters.

I did ask for Junkrat nerfs before when they buffed his mine and trap

Hilarious. Tell me more.


TBH, 2-2-2 will probably be a huge buff for him. He bursts down squishies very well and now you’ll be almost guaranteed to have four 200hp targets per game.

Buff projectile speed by 15% and reduce ult duration by 1s.

idk man

naked blade these days are trash

i got killed before killing anything

there like 40% chance i end up die after activating dragon blade without nano

i dont want to relies to much for nano

maybe just nerf nano to only give 30% atk 30% damage reduciton, from 50
but maybe increase duration to 10 sec so it will not always used for ultimate combo but can be used to boost other heroes like rein hanzo widow etc

Why would you nerf blade instead of nanoboost? Naked Blade is already mediocre. It should be called the flex blade because there’s almost no reason to ever use it unless you want to style on your opponents or make a stupid Zen/Lucio blow their ult on a lost team fight.

Hell, I’d rather take a buff to Genji’s basic DPS and lose the ability to nanoboost dragonblade at all than nerf the basic blade. Mercyblade is more than enough.

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I really hope to see the day Torb and Mei become meta though. Two niche heroes in the meta would be quite a shift in the game lol

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I could never forget about Genji.

Because every time I see him is he is glowing blue and crackling with lightning. Killing our entire team.

I don’t know what you want. He is the best dps hero after widow and hanzo.

And he will be even stronger in 2/2/2 becouse he has more 200 hp targets to go for with dragonblade.

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Genji is the 3rd most popular DPS in GM and has an even better winrate than Widow does which is really premium so it’s absurd how some players actually think that he’s not good or useful right now. There’s absolutely no reason to buff him one way or another. If anything the next thing about him on the chopping block is the dash reset he gets on his blade activation which could be exchanged for some shuriken projectile speed buff to shift a bit of power from his blade into his base kit especially since ultimates are going to get nerfed across the board. He’s in a strong and healthy spot right now but it all just revolves a bit too much around Nanoblade

Just get nanoblade, ez game