Everyone should be viable

Well sure, but at what cost? Should Widowmaker start to get shield piercing rounds if more than one shield is being played? Should Winston get his jump back 50% faster if the other team is running certain anti-munky heroes?

I guess on some level that’s a more “let me play just one hero” sort of balance but it would kill the over all feel of the game.

hero pools tried to address this issue, people didn’t really like it. Hero bans might work but odds are only at a top level of play. Map design helps too but certain elements of the community just will not play their role, only a hero.
I don’t think that can be balanced.


Don’t fighting games have tier lists usually? As far as in the competitive community anyway? I can’t play them worth a damn so i don’t usually get into it but I’ve heard discussions about it and usually see the same teams in games like MvC and KoF.

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No, I never said I wanted to play just one hero. I used Brig, Symmetra, Doomfist, Mccree, and I missed out on Bastion and Mei to think about. These characters are so useless now it’s a joke. I still agree with you.

Yeah but they are completely useless. It’s just mostly a bias list to say “my characters are better than yours” list hahaha

I guess we’ll just pretend the same 5 heroes that have always been bad aren’t still bad and the same 5 heroes who are always slaying have not been slaying.

At best, the devs deserve a prize for having 7/8 tanks actually playable for a change .-.

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They can be, some just take more or less skill based on map and the current situation your team finds it self in.

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This is still a lot better than OW, where a good 1/3 of the roster is unplayable trash even on the pubs.

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another boom with my other account.

sadly there is still people that will still throw the “cheese heroes should never be viable”
or the “just git gud” at ya when you write about any underperforming hero.
mei and symm are not being played for a reason.

Facts. The amount of “we lost because we didn’t have [blank]” or “why didn’t you switch to [blank] because [blank] is bad” is insane.

Oh the overwatch community is plagued by “blind-follow culture”…

what do I mean by this?

It’s one thing to have a majority opinion…that’s exactly what meta is…the community’s popular opinion of what the best heroes are…not the actual best heroes…majority opinion…it’s not exactly rooted in scientific truth…

I always bring up goats…goats was not the “meta”…something else was “meta”…but someone decided to play that combination out in a tournament and had success and lo and behold “oh hey guys this meta we’re playing…the ‘best’ heroes’…isn’t as good as that thing” => goats is now meta…the other thing is no longer viable even though it was JUST meta

So whatever there is a “meta”…there’s always a meta…big whoop…the point is that as a community we have become slaves to this concept…we do not question it…in fact we do the opposite…we treat those who would dare not conform to this ideology with disdain (Remind you of something else?)

“How dare you use the 7th listed person on overbuff!!”

“Um so and so so on YouTube said that hero is garbage…please get off”

“Hero X isn’t used in OWL…clearly it’s trash…I’m reporting you”

“Hero X has a .3% higher win rate…use them instead”

Like I said…most heroes are perfectly viable…and will work in most situations…but it doesn’t matter…because people are only interested in what popular opinion says

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