Everyone’s calling mercy an off healer

Only Mercy could move, while invulnerable. Teammates had to stand still, until invulnerability is over. Unless other team isn’t paying attention, resurrected teammates can be killed again without much trouble.

She is not, she still has raw healing with no reload or charge and she can heal through barrier.

When Mccree ult would lock on even before you could move your character, only to die again as you came back.

I would be fine with her being weak like S2/3 if they brought back Res as her ultimate. I want her to be fun again, but right now, there’s literally no point in playing her. She’s not strong or fun, where as before she was weak yet super fun.


That’s exactly what happened. My most embarrassing fail resurrect was bringing back 4 players, only to die to rip-tire seconds later with all of them.

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How is this a problem? Mercy has had too big of an impact in the past, making her a near necessary pick compared to other supports. Why would other supports even exist if that was ok? They should all be on an even plane in terms of viability and team synergy.

Every healer should be an off-healer. And there should be 2 on every team. This concept of solo healer is ridiculous imo. And mercy still has a lot of tools in her kit that make her very powerful even though her hps output has gone down a bit. I really don’t see what the big problem is.

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Problem is, other healers are hybrid heroes: healer with DPS elements. Mercy, on the other hand, is dedicated healer.

She was slightly underpowered before the rework, a revert to everything but her healing would make her really bad.

Other healers dont have damage boost, which accounts for the extra damage.

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Zenyatta has discord, and Ana has damage boost as part of her ult. Both also contribute in damage output. And their damage buffs have higher potential: discord buffs damage from all players shooting target with it, and nanoboost has higher numbers (50% vs 30% from Mercy).

Mercy can’t do heal and hurt at the same moment, while all other healers can combine damage and healing.

Like Zen, Lucio and Brig do for Mercy.

She’s a main healer whether you like it or not, even if her HPS potential isn’t as high as Ana/Moira outside her ult.

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No. I wouldn’t even call it a majority. Please provide evidence of this claim.

Bring back the absolute strongest ult in the game? No. They got rid of it because it was beyond the realms of unfair. A team coordinates a well timed team wipe, and mercy gets to come and wipe away their good work simply by hiding. Or just lucking into coming back from respawn at the right moment. It’s not how they want the character to be played, and no amount of posting will ever bring it back.

Strongest ult? Really? Ult, that required Mercy to be lone survivor, to be used to it’s full power?

If your team somehow spent all their ults, and missed Mercy, then it’s not Mercy to blame. Aren’t your flankers already behind enemy team, so enemy healers have nowhere to hide, and no way to sneak back?

Somehow that strongest ult wasn’t used by high tiers, and they used Ana instead.

Considering she was literally invincible while using that ult? Yes.
Considering all she had to do was hide until it was time? Yes.
Considering the maps are specifically designed so characters have easy escape routes? Yes.

There were too many mercy’s abusing the ult as well, purposefully not healing teammates, so she could try to coordinate a mass rez, and it usually never worked out. The teammate would die and repawn when they could have been saved. This solution was a fix for that behavior.

For a long time (and I still hear it sometimes today) Mercy was the original One-Trick Hero, due to her constant healing and the ability to completely undo the work of one team.

So no. That’s completely incorrect. If you manage a 5/6 team wipe through coordination, a single hero should not have the ability to completely undo it.

Even if that were true, it doesn’t prove that the ult isn’t over powered. Game balance has to take into account everyone who plays the game, not just the highest tiers (which I’m pretty darn sure you don’t play in anyway). But that’s a completely separate argument.

Mass rez is gone, and it’ll never be back.
Time to move on.

I would be 100% ok with this.

Back when mass res was her ult everyone was asking for an E ability… well the new GA bounce would totally fill that AND assuming res wouldn’t kill Mercy’s momentum, it would give Mercy a skill based way to survive post Res which she needed… without just giving her invulnerability.

If you managed it through coordination, not by spamming ults, then you just wipe them second time, killing Mercy this time.


So according to you…
Team using ults to wipe = weakness
Mercy using ult to undo a wipe = allowable

Now I’m glad it’s never coming back. :slight_smile:
You’re fighting a battle that’s already been lost.
If you don’t like current mercy, learn a new hero.

She would absolutely be weaker, especially if it was pre-invulnerability. But she’d have her skill ceiling back, and her ult wouldn’t be ez mode spectator anymore.

I really want that back.

Don’t get why people think we want OP Mercy, reverting to 1.0 would actually be a major nerf in terms of her power. But it’s what people want.

RIP-tire says hi. Dragonstrike from spawn says hi.

“Well, they can be countered” - heroes like Doom and Hammond have ults that can deal with mass rez. Back when mass rez was around, ult tracking was the norm - ult spamming was punishable. Good players knew how to play smart, and anticipate the Mercy.

And before you say that she was literally invincible, I also think that was stupid. That’s why lots of people want pre-invulnerability, because giving her invuln was a s–tty design.

I think one thing people on this forum are guilty of is overestimating mass rez as an ultimate.

I’ve been playing Mercy for a while - I pulled off exactly three 5man rezzes. Every single one got countered, we got wiped again and we lost every single time.

It’s possible to mass rez out of position teammates. It’s possible to tempo rez the wrong person. Mass rez wasn’t “hey I’ll press Q, bring everyone back and they’ll instantly wipe the other team!” - many times it failed, and that was because I was a bad Mercy.


I don’t enjoy any other hero, especially not any other healer.

I don’t like where Mercy is right now.

When I play her now, I’m only playing her for rez. And it’s still not enough for me to feel like I’m not gimping my team. I mostly play Moira and Lucio now (ps4 gold player, so Ana’s not an option for main healer).

She does not reliably outheal every other healer like Blizzard said she would. And her decreased heals means she gets Valkyrie less, which further decreases her healing and makes her less useful.

I have long said that I would rather Mercy be the most reliable healer (though Ana should be balanced so a skilled Ana heals more than a skilled Mercy, and Moira should outheal Mercy in comps that favor aoe healing) because that is the entirety of what she is designed to do. I would rather rez be removed from the game entirely than for her to stay in the state she is currently in.

If they aren’t willing to do that, they need to look into putting her healing at 55 hps, making her 70 hps during Valkyrie, and/or decreasing her ult charge. Cos right now, she is an off healer. I don’t play her if we don’t have a Moira cos we won’t have enough healing. And Lucio is a better pick even, cos I can at least make up for my lack of healing by killing people.