Everyone’s calling mercy an off healer

She was already not very strong in prework

Not according to the people who said she was game breakingly op and the worst thing to happen to this game.

I’d like to see it in PTR at least - they did say theyd like to use it to test drastic changes (or something similar to that), so I think they should actually do that once in a while.

Whether or not it goes live, I think it’d be interesting to see how it plays out on PTR.

Flankers wanted to get killstreaks, not chase Mercy…even while it’s their top priority to keep enemy healers away from battlefield or dead. They nerf her, so other team can just ignore her and suffer no consequences.

No one thought she was OP, furstrating to deal with sure but no one thought she was OP.

“Undoing 5 ults with 1”, “impossible to prevent”, and so on - isn’t that definition of OP?

That’s the ult not the hero
Okay I should ellaborate
Anyone who was above Plat never thought she was OP
Her pickrate only soared cus she filled a roll that at the time Ana was her only competition for.

Unfortunately, once Ana was nerfed back there, Mercy appeared in all tiers. And, according to common players, if defensive ult can’t be ignored with enough damage or correct ult, it’s OP and hero shouldn’t have it.

Among complainers were some well known players, like Seagull, so…here we are now.

Moira wasn’t supposed to be a main healer, but the amount of healing she was capable of dishing made her one.

ANd the amount of healing mercy is capable of doing while providing nothing to the team for damage puts her square as off healer, unfortunately. her average heals dropped from 13k to 11k in GM, and from 12k to 11k everywhere else.

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it…it really doesnt. Especially with her heals now being so low, she doesn’t really have the time to use it…

Damage boosting one person on your team an extra 30% doesn’t make or break anything or even make up for you not doing any damage.


That only happened after pre work. Prework Mercy was only popular because she could solo heal and was good in uncoordinated teams, plus her only rival for the main healer was ana who at the time was overnerfed. Mercy wasnt even the best healer at higher ranks the preferred healer combo was lucio and zen

People complained about how unfair hide and rez was only because it lacked counterplay. But mercy as a whole was never op before the rework

I’ve never heard anyone calling her an “off healer”. She’s probably one of the most solid choices when filling the healing role.

Before someone starts in saying that Ana heals more, what Ana do you know of makes over 80% of her shots AND is constantly firing for heals?

She outputs consistently low healing, with the amount of damage now available in the game she barely can keep one target healed much less whole team. Only with very spread out teams she might have an edge, otherwise Moira is a better main healer plus Moira actually have a high elimination potential while Mercy can just heal or damage boost (which is there just to keep Mercy doing at least something when target is healed). E.g. Moira’s healing orb followed by her primary healing can sustain a team in graviton (if enemies are doing just direct damage, without ultimates) and this is just her main abilities, Mercy even when ulting can’t sustain a team in graviton.
Mercy no longer can be a solo healer, she is too weak as a support for her skill set and amount of damage that need to be healed. Rez is also a bad ability as most of the time Mercy will die while rezzing a teammate and even if the target is resurrected it’s not that hard to eliminate the target as well (given that they just lost one healer).

Well mass rez seems like a main support ability, right ?

I’d rather they just give mercy 2 rez, only during valk still with cast time.

Have her E give her lone vertical mobilty.

What kind of main healer synergies amazingly with another main healer? It’s kinda obvious that Mercy is now more of a off-healer than a main healer. Having a Mercy and say for example, Zen will mean that you don’t have enough heals.

Just because Mercy can’t heal through damage being done to a teammate doesn’t mean she’s less of a healer.

Did you even read what I wrote?

Yeah, you said that if your healers are a Mercy and a Zen that you wont have enough heals.

Once again, just because you can’t heal through damage doesn’t mean Mercy is any less of a healer.

Firstly, I’m not saying Mercy is any less of a healer. Why do you think I’m calling her a off-healer? Secondly, Mercy and Zen overall won’t be enough heals whereas something like Mercy and Ana would provide pretty good heals. Thirdly, I never complained about her not outhealing damage. I mean, that hasn’t even changed much after the nerf.