Everyone reports Symmetra once again

She’s so bad right now. This meta is awful for her because of spam and how she dies to the wind. So many people complain if they see Symmetra, and report.

I was happy we got over this, but she was nerfed 8 times… So now we’re back to how people have always treated her…

I still think about how crazy it is that Symmetra got nerfed 8 times… And no compesation buffs… I’m just shocked.

She has maybe 3 maps she can pull off a risky play. but after that swap off of her. Because she’s actual garbage.

I feel they nerfed her dmg too much… She’s a dps with really bad consistent dmg. Even her beam doesn’t feel that threatening anymore. And she dies to EVERYTHING.


they should either revert her to 2.0 or split 3.0 and 2.0 into two different heroes

they can just make them twins


She needs a range increase buff. It would fix some of her survivability issue while making her more threatening in general. It’s too hard to charge up her beam (hence to do meaningful damage) without getting deleted, at least that should help her get hit less, especially from someone like Reinhardt.

I do think that all of her kit should get buffs, but if that happens she’s going to get panic nerfed just like she was in double shield.


Well the balancers are mostly dive fans, so they hate symm.


Yes, i can understand you. I quit ow now. Im otp sym with more then 1000 hours from 9 accs.
Sym-trash. Approved.
Sad about it.

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I’d rather Sym was deleted.


the dive is back, symms wont have a good time, orisa and sigma will be throw picks on defense too…which is silly, its literally their job. People say they brought back dive because its fun to watch it in OWL :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Revert all her double barrier nerfs and make TP non-infinite again.

I feel you, but don’t worry. She is still not as bad as Sombra, and the dev team tend to give her updates pretty frequently.

I suspect a buff will come pretty soon.

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It’s rather gross how drastic a rework Sym was put through in the name of making her more flexible and widely viable and yet then they threw her right back into the trash the moment she was at all decent.

Legit, one has to wonder if the devs genuinely hate her after the way they’ve consistently treated her.


How about no? I guess you are exactly type of person who reports off meta players.

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No, I don’t report for off meta. That’s dumb.

Exactly why i made this

hot take: sym right now plays very similar to sym2.0 and 1.0 due to how infrequent tp is.

if they’re reverting, they should revert to pre-infinite tp sym3.0 where at least one of her core issues was solved and she had the most balance healthy design.


I would like the old Symmetra back but to keep how her orbs operate when she shoots them. In the past they travelled extremely slow, I just think that should be one thing she should keep in Symmetra 2.0

Sym 2.0 didn’t fight 100% omnipresent Doom, and could protect herself against snipers. So no, she doesn’t play like 2.0 at all. She plays like a Respawn Simulator.


At this rate, they could make her the first mr potato head character, (Take or leave her abilities as you wish) and she still wont be as bad as she currently is.
and you solve the 2.0-3.0-1.0 viewpoints.

She’s in such a weird state. Only option would be blizz sucking up their pride and completely reworking (not like the semi-rework she got, something really radical) her kit.


Agreed. Current Symmetra really is just 2.0 Sym but worse. No personal barrier, less total DPS than before, a worse taxi TP back from spawn. AND NO SHIELD GENERATOR :sob:


hasn’t dive been dead in a ditch for several months now?

I have no problem getting gold damage and elims with Sym in her current state.
Keep crying.