You realize dps outrange tanks by an absurd amount? You don’t ever have to be in a tank’s range to destroy them. It’s not small part why hitscan are so prevalent.
Bruh, you and I both know GOATS was a AOE heal stacking problem spurred by launch brig. There is a reason it didnt happen until her release. It had nothing to do with tanks.
If they play hitscan. Winston Hammond can destroy them. Winston dva as well. Take away their ability to control high ground. They can’t engage you or try to fight off two tanks diving them. They will just die. The only choice is to give up the high ground and run away.
And on maps where you hold objectives it’s a useless strategy. You can just play natural cover and use shields/healing to survive anything and everything hitscan throw at you.
They only become good when the Tanks are brawling with each other on point.
If the teams tanks die the hitscan have to go regroup anyway. They have zero ability to pressure a point against tanks in their effective range. That’s their drawback. Touching point is a death sentence for all medium to long range hit scan.
You can ignore them if you kill the enemy tanks fast enough.
Cree alone can burst down a 3/4 health Winston before he hits the ground, and that’s ignoring the other sources of damage. Add that to Widow and Ashes mobility, and dive simply does not and arguably never had countered hitscan. All while leaving the rest of the team down a tank who is now in the enemy backline ready to be shredded. You act like you’ve never played tank before.
Tank diff only exists in the occasional game where more than likely the mm has screwed you over big time giving you a gold tank against a diamond tank for example. Dps diff is a thing, you can’t pretend tank diff rules the world in a world where no one plays tank. The tank diff will usually just be someone who actually plays tank compared to someone playing for prio passes
If you get almost all your health taken by McCree before you hit the ground you dove poorly. McCree and Ashe as well as soldier all have to just give up high ground or die. Of course if you solo dive a target that says more about you then the hitscan you counter.
Widow is the only one who can freely escape unless ball is after her.
Tank diff is the biggest issue for wiñs and losses. Always has been. They have the majority of impact on match outcome. That doesn’t change and never will. If you lose a tank who plays poorly you lost that fight and won’t recover.
Ashe literally has a single boop ability that knocks the diver off the high ground where they have to wait for cooldown to come back. Get out of here with your ignornance.
I wanna get tanks who are not 2 dive tanks or 1 dps tank 1 dive tank 9 out of 10 maps especially on small choke point maps where a shield tank helps a lot on. I want to lose a game and say, “We had good tanks who actually picked a shield tank” instead of “oh man their tanks actually picked shield tanks and held their barriers up because they know how to hold small choke points”.