Every rework has been a failure

I mean that’s debatable. D.va went from a tank to a 600 hp dps.


Actually her boosters used to do like 25 damage (or maybe less? I forget.) and they removed that damage.

Edit. Reduced not removed

Her boosters still do damage what do you mean?

Just looked it up, it was reduced from 25 to 10, not removed. But still.

Meta changes are bound to happen. There are always going to be heroes that define the meta, and those heroes will be different next season.

Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but mercy is only slightly OP (she needs a slight nerf and Ana needs a slight buff). I like new Hanzo. His new kit is a lot less BS than scatter arrow. And new sym is actually skill-based. We’ll see where she fits in the meta when she’s available in comp. Sombra is still a work-in-progress.

I honestly wish people cared more about actual issues in this game, like abilities constantly noregging, and other random bugs. This game runs a lot less smoothly than it used to, and I’d like to see less of a focus on “OMG THIS HERO IS BROKEN PLS FIX,” and more of a focus on fixing bugs and the like.

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If you are counting Sombra’s changes as a rework, then you need to do it Roadhog D.va Bastion and Reaper’s

The Mercy rework eventually succeeded, but it took a long time to balance her. A long, long time…

The Hanzo rework worked a bit too well, and they are trying to fix this.

The Symmetra rework was a huge success, she may not be balanced at the moment, but at least she is in a state where they can balance her without breaking bronze/silver, which was the goal.

The D.va rework went well, she needed a few nerfs but it did it’s job

The Roadhog rework should have all come at once, but besides that it’s great

The Sombra rework has been interesting, they seem a bit to afraid to just go for a straight up buff, and it’s not helping

The Bastion rework was a complete failure

The Reaper rework was pretty good, but he still isn’t in a great spot


Anyways, my problem with the D.Va rework stems from the fact that D.Va feels like an absolute amalgamation of a billion different things. While I enjoy her all-over-the-place playstyle, it feels like they just layered a whole bunch of bandaids over a cut. It worked eventually, but it feels… mm, frankenstein’s monster-y? Like they didn’t put a lot of care into it? Just slapped on some missiles instead of just tinkering with numbers? Could have given her an ability that wasn’t just “here’s some projectile damage too lole!”? I dunno. Maybe I’m just hard to please? Maybe it’s just my sneaking suspicion that Blizzard Hates D.Va and that’s why her rework feels lazy, she’s neglected with skins and two of them are lazy, and she has no lore. idk! Like it was successful in that she’s meta but she never has a concrete “identity”… I guess her identity is that she doesn’t have one. Also self-destruct is iconic and I’m so sick of the fact that it’s usually just used for a free mech in pro-play whether it’s Really Good or not. Lol

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Sombra was more a soft rework than a full on one and we haven’t seen it on live yet so it’s too early to say it’s a failure or not.

The only rework that failed was Sym 2.0 because it didn’t improve her.

Every other rework didn’t fail. The problem is some of them worked TOO well. The point of Mercy’s rework was to make her viable and get rid of her hide and seek/very passive playstyle. Only it did just that, only it did it too well. Same with Hanzo, it was remove an ability but still make him strong without it and it worked too well. So objectively, they succeeded but obviously they succeeded too well and ended up OP. Only one being maybe D.va, depending who you ask.

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Hanzo had two abilities added ,one removed ,one changed (sonic arrow) and his primary fire got tweaked ,that is definitely a rework.


simply not true we wouldn’t have to talk about this if people knew how to play the game the only thing that needs to be reworked is the tutorial

Tiny reduction in her screen + adding mico missles? “Bigger” how? Storm Arrow has had more impact than any new ability since launch.

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Mercy was reworked because of the Overwatch league! Blizzard could have lost views and billions! If mass Rez were available in Overwatch league. Everyone knows that’s the truth behind mercy rework.


Bastion has been forgotten again… :frowning:


The did suceed making most of them powerful. Just over powerful. And they arent doing that to Sombra

Buddy she’s had her hp nerfed, her hp raised, her DM reworked, her dying to her ultimate function removed, her bullet spread/count removed, etc. Maybe look up her changes first before you look stupid.


Bastion and Lucio were also faliure reworks too.

Blizzard have no idea what to do for this game, and mightaswell be pulling ideas out of a hat at random and going through with them for the sake of changing stuff up even if its for worse.

If you count changes during beta, Torbs rework was also a disaster and left him joke tier to this very day.

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I like her Bruiser playstyle but her kit is kinda stupid. Projectile and hitscan? Giant critbox with huge mass offset by giant hp?

If they hadn’t let her spam abilities while boosting she would’ve been deader than Bastion is. It’s very clunky looking and could’ve been streamlined better.

I have enjoyed all of the reworks other than Bastion 2.0. Everyone (aside from Bastion) has been improved and that was their goal… So success.

Mercy 2.0 = fine (needed some nerfs after but that doesnt count as a rework)
Hanzo 2.0 = fine (needed some nerfs after but that doesnt count as a rework)

So no, not every rework

Bastion? He completely failed too.