Every exclusive skin that might comeback

Well, I have mercy all stars but like, there’s a maximum of 2 Mercy’s in a game at any one time including myself. Does it really deminish my specialness if the other Mercy also has the skin? :yum: I’ve never been upset seeing another mercy with all stars. In fact it doesn’t even register in my brain until I see threads discussing it.

Idk man all stars feels different to me, I want people to get those awesome skins and they tend to be the most powerful

But OWL skins like Thunder and Goat? It’s just… Different. Those feel like legit flex skins

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How??? Where??? Gimme!


Back when world of warcraft was new my big brother was kind of a big shot, owning the biggest guild on his server and he had a fancy sword I nicknamed the errection sword because it was obserdly big and people would gather around him in ogremmar to gush over it.

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I love that lmao what a chad sword

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For me, tokens are so easy to get that they aren’t a flex. It’s moreso the Blizzcon skins that are flexes to me. Everytime I see the Tyranade Symmetra icon on here I’m like :frowning:

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Very true, but they did disclaim under the demon hunter’s original release that it will (FOR SURE) come back, but with the other legacy skins this is not the case.

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Exactly!!! Tyrande is my favourite skin in the game but it’ll never come back :sob:


True. But that the devs have flat out said they are considering re-releasing the OWL legacy skins, and that they bothered with marking DH Sombra legendary and then re-releasing it kinda shows that stuff in that category should be viewed as highly unlikely but impossible to return.

alien zarya, it would feel so unfair if they bring back other skins but not that one just cause sinatraas mistakes

It was one of the BlizzCon Virtual Ticket rewards. I don’t remember which year though. 2018 i think.

I know, but as much as I google it, I can´t find any codes for sale. Didn´t even know it was posibble for PC player to get a code. I got blizcon ticket with Tyrande and Illidan but I recived no code, just all the goodies.

Yea but those are from resellers who are not the most trustworthy people.

I personally would not buy codes, they tend to have very high prices.

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I would pay whatever it costed if Tyrande came back :frowning: its so pretty

But it was still put in legacy until that day

Took me just a few seconds to find offers for all BlizzCon codes from 2016-2019.

Prices are somewhere between 200 and 500 bucks depending on the year :crazy_face:

oops idk why it deleted my old post, i said well maybe not that much money

Please, do we have any date for the return of these skins? I really want to buy them for a long time, especially the Good & Evil skin of Echo that I missed really close…

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but I don’t feel like excluding the Ziegler skin. Kerrigan and Lego mangari makes sense because they were skins related to a very specific blizzard event (the partnership with lego and 20 years of starcraft) but for the weekly ones (in particular Ana, Symmetra, Ziegler, etc.) they are extremely Lore-based.

I wouldn’t rule out that they can return to the gallery catalog as standard game models. Blizzard hasn’t been very clear on this, but basically there is little point in not making them available in some way while being part of the Overwatch lore. it is a nice lore, but it would not be correct to “punish” the factor that you were not present in the game on the right day to be unable to use it anymore.

or at least, so I think.

Instead I am quite disappointed with the idea of ​​bringing back the All-Stars or OWL skins. I have always considered these offers as when buying an Olympics t-shirt: does it make sense to remake some Athens 2000 Olympics t-shirts in 2020? No, because you weren’t part of that portion of life in world competition, you weren’t there then. Obviously it’s my personal conception, I don’t want to say it’s right or wrong for everyone, but in sporting / fandom terms I find it pretty equivalent to missing StarCraft’s anniversary.

And speaking of Kerrigan: I can understand that those who are fans of this Blizzardian franachise (really, very beautiful the lore) may be sad to have lost this opportunity, but then I would like to propose to the community to make them feel that there is a strong desire to include it in at least one bundle of those franchises. Example: a StarCraft2 bundle with Widowmaker Kerrigan for OW2 included as a bonus. Just like the Origin Edition which includes cosmetic bonuses for all Blizzard games. Of course it’s just an idea, but in my opinion it would do justice to those who really are fans of multiple franchises.

Yeah, that’s what i mentioned before. I’m all for the legendary pay skins to come back, but I really, really wanted some of those epics like the holiday ones people missed. Makes no sense to not bring those back as I personally think some of them are still the best skins for heroes (Like Echo’s Halloween skin I think is actually her best one, and it was a 7 day week epic). Just seems crazy not to put these back in OW2, I thought we would see them in this Anniversary event. Honestly I would pay money for them if we were given the option. Ah well…

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