Every exclusive skin that might comeback

Mvp Zen, Goat Brig, all stars Mercy, Lucio, Tracer and Genji, Tunder Doom, Alien Zarya… I want all of them

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Not sure if OP will see this or not but I have a big question:

So me (and about 4 or 5 others) tried really hard to get somebody on here who actually can relay to the developers (or someone important) this type of question, and if they could ask at Blizzcon. Well that came and went, with no help. I noticed they FINALLY mentioned something related to this, but unfortunately it was on Reddit (not a fan). So for those who read the whole thing or have been keeping up, here is my personal question:

What about epics? I’m talking about the weekly challenges that were part of the holiday events. Stuff like the doll Echo, elf Junk, stone Baptiste, etc. I got a lot of likes on our topic in the past because people (even those who wanted to just keep payed promo skins for themselves) were open to the idea of these particular epics coming back, because you only had 7 days to get them.

I know folks who play this game, and the seven days a few were available during they year, they were working double shifts at their job, or gone the whole time. It just seems ridiculous that they won’t let us get them again, even if it means waiting for OW2, which I’m okay with. I also think it does a huge disservice to the owners of Nintendo Switch who missed more then half of these.

Anyway that’s it, so did anyone at all who got a chance to talk to the developers mention epic exclusives? Thanks.

Sadly I am not too sure. They said nothing about epic skins currently.

Also I have no access to the development team.

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I absolutely need Lucio’s All Stars skin. I missed it the first time because I had no idea when it’d be ending, and logged in one day to find the event offline.

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Okay thanks for the update. Dang that’s too bad. I honestly would pay money for the ones we’ve missed out on, even epics. I think it’s crazy they won’t let at least these be added into OW2, yet they are okay with the promo OWL ones or others similar to it (which I’m okay with as well).

Ah well, worth a shot.

(EDIT) Yeah I didn’t mean that you had access, but I stopped following anything related to them since they only use social media and Reddit now. I just wanted to ask since you seemed up to date on it, and I appreciate it, thanks.

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I really hope they will come back :pleading_face: the only ones i actually am missing are goat, thunder & flying ace.


The only skin I’m missing is the Blizzcon Bastion skin. No chances of getting that one at all, huh?


Oh yeah I just wanted to say thanks OP for making that useful list up top, it’s nice to look at them all at once.


I really want GOAT, Flying Ace and Zen-Nakji but I’m a little sad they’re killing the exclusivity of actually being there at the time.

I wasn’t playing Overwatch back when Tyrande was available cuz I didn’t have a good enough pc for it. This is a tragic event :sob:

I really hope Dr Ziegler comes back :weary:, y’all can keep pink exclusive idc

They still have codes anyway

yo i literally dont give a shirt about any of those skins except for the zen skin. im not one to ask for limited skins to come back, but if it does i will fricking drop my wallet down in a heart beat, im literally using profanity im so excited at just the thought of it coming back
(sorry for using profanity)

I’m for all skins being avaliable but that’s just me. I know people see value in things being exclusive but that mentality is just strange to me and I can’t empathise because it seems to be born from an inherently selfish instinct.


What a wonderful state of cosmetic items in overwatch will be, as OWL skins will come back, but not epics from normal events
But it is what it is, one make money, one dont.

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Demon Hunter was under the legacy tag prior to it’s come back, and it came back

Just bc something is legacy doesnt mean it wont come back

Tons of people were there at the time. They just didn’t know they were “never” coming back

Every or most legendary OWL skins Star skins are under legacy at the moment if you don’t own them. GOAT Brigitte can’t even be found by using the filters.

If all the skins were specified to NEVER be coming back I’d be pretty mad, but I don’t think they ever said that. Seems they only ever really said that about Blizzcon and Noire and stuff

Personally I don’t care if they re-release Goat Brig and more people have it, so long as they know I had it first and am a bigger fan and am better than them.

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Yeah I’m one of them.