Every dps that one tricks is a thrower by definition

Unco-operative to the team by default. It shows you have no intention to help your team when needed.

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Every tank and support one trick is a thrower by default as well I guess? Don’t single out dps


If they’re a one trick, wouldn’t they be throwing if they switched? Since they may not be able to perform as another hero at that level/rank? :thinking:


No, because tanks and healers by default help the team survive.
Dps do not.

Playing one hero a lot for enjoyment =/= throwing.

Playing one hero although the team comp and game needs another = throwing

No they dont, they need to do their job to help the team


As a support main that’s far from true. If we have triple tank I’m definitely not staying on mercy because she’s be useless for that.

Just as having 3 DPS I wouldn’t stay in Ana

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One tricking isn’t throwing. Playing poorly is throwing. This can be done in the form of playing a a hero that is not good in that specific situation. And this can be done by tanks and supports. as well.

Bad argument. If you pick any character and refuse to switch regardless of circumstances then you’re throwing. Even healers and tanks can be denied value.

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Doesn’t the in game report screen actively define throwing as - Intentionally making the decision to play worse than you can to lose the game?

And it goes on to say not switching is not throwing?
AND Playing Poorly is not throwing?

Like I cannot be the only person who sees the game spelling this out right? by the logic I see in this thread if someone switched to a character they are less good at at the behest of the team they are throwing as they are choosing to play a character they are worse at which they know will more actively contribute to a loss.


Well I guess I am banned. Good bye everyone

Have to disagree. If you have someone who 1 tricks a dps hero, they have their reasons. Comfort level, contributes, ect. Having them switch to what you want or some pro meta does nothing.

Also remember your group together for a reason - your at the same skill level.


Hate to break it to ya

But one tricking isn’t reportable or bannable

Neither is playing poorly(unintentionally)

Which also means a 1 trick unintentionally underperforming isn’t breaking any rules and shouldn’t be reported or banned.


Kind of, but to a lesser degree. Tanks and support have less characters, and some of them share some roles like main healer, etc.

The point is, don’t one-trick anything kids.

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no they don’t. a person who plays rien on a dive map is throwing.

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This is just an excuse to avoid developing team play. You can contribute more as a hero you know less if that hero has better team synergy. The problem is most people are very entitled and selfish. They enjoy the game their way only, even at the cost of the rest of the team. I can’t believe Blizzard let this toxic one trick mentality infest a flexible team based, counter play game…

So the problem all started with one tricking.

It depends on the context. Banable throwing in ranked is indeed just how it’s described. But simply being the reason your team is losing is another common situation in which the term “throw” can be used. For example: if a Winston keeps jumping in at the wrong time and to the wrong place and dies fast, you can say that the Winston threw the game. Even if it wasn’t exactly intentional.

Blizzard’s definition of throwing requires intent; So if it is not intentional, then it is not throwing.

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actually, playing poorly isnt reportable. says so in the report function. everyone can have good days and bad days … however, i understand what youre saying and thats active sabotaging your team