Every dps that one tricks is a thrower by definition

This is wrong on so many levels I don’t even know where to begin.

Tanks and supports need to change their heroes for different situations, just like DPS. What if you have a Mercy OTP on your team when your whole team wants to go Zen GOATS? What if you have a stubborn Hog OTP on your team when you really need Rein / Zarya? What if you are running double sniper on Junkertown 1st and you really need a Mercy?

I could go on. You don’t get a free pass for playing tank / support. You don’t deserve special treatment. Every role needs to change their heroes depending on the circumstance. Enough with the double standards.

You do get banned for it though after reaching a certain amount of reports from salty players who are trying to scapegoat someone.

It starts with a 1 day ban then a 2 day ban then a 4 day ban (Which im on now) I assume the next is a 8 day ban…

Oh sure, a bad one is just gonna feed ultcharge.

Which is way worse than an useless DPS.

You can be a one trick and cooperate. What you mean to say is they choose not to accept someone’s outside subjective opinion.

Last night someone said something similar to me (in QP no less), and I made the point I could swap to another hero they wanted, but in by doing so I’d be functioning at a lower degree of performance. Would he rather have me on an Ashe to stroke his own ego and lose, or have me on Pharah where we might have had a fighting chance if he focused on the fact we didn’t have a healer or tank instead of the fact I was a Pharah OTP.

I have yet to get banned, suspended or even warned about “gameplay sabotage” for “uncooperation” and or “throwing”.

But nice try.

So I threw my way to top 500? Lul

Idk the healers seem pretty thank full when I kill the flanker killing them

it’s not like dps have ults that help against crowd control OH FREAKING WAIT.

I don’t see the term “throw” in that quote. Throwing =/= Gameplay Sabotage.

Not to the full potential if the tank and support picks for that map and/or teamcomp is suboptimal. If it is, support and tank one-tricks are by definition: throwing.

Anything other than flexing is a throwing, but only if youre getting hard countered and not helping your team. If you cant be skilled enough to play at least 1-2 heroes from every category then you are holding your team back with this selfish play.