Every damn match that mother of [Pharah] is there

She was the beginning of Nu-Overwatch and kit bloat. The rest has all been crying in the rain ever since.


Ana is fine. She is easily dived.


i see more of bastion than ana

Basically same thing as widow/hanzo against shield, especially rein’s, and yet so many more people complain about those 2 snipers that gets 1 kill in a rein firestrike window than an ana who can potentially kill 2-5 depends on how many people get naded, on an ability with a 4m aoe.

Don’t forget IM as an stupid ability (at least too strong in current form imo) was made to counter nade and ended up countering almost everything just like brig 1.0 against tracer.

Need someone to tuck you in?


This is entirely incorrect. Try again.

Ana has been the most picked hero for 2 years now. At all ranks.


Every time I play Tank against Ana I feel the spontaneous urge to pour salt into my eyes.

Yet, so many years have passed and she still hasn’t been addressed.


Which makes her the easiest dive target in the game.

Her healing is OK, but not great compared to other supports, she has no self heal besides the 100HP on a long cooldown, and most important her healing can be so easy interrupted by literally anything, while most other supports autoheal with 100% efficiency.
Her damage is on the very low side and besides that she can not heal and damage at the same time unlike most supports. Even Moira when using orb outdamages her, with double auto aim, and to even match Moiras primary damage Ana would need a roughly 70% hitrate to match her damage, and Moira can heal with orb at the same time while Ana can not.

And… the probably hardest to use stun in the game, and on top of that the easiest to deny stun in the game.

Another ability that is super easy to catch and make completely worthless.


Ah yes…Ana…don’t you just love seeing her practically all of the time? :roll_eyes:

Most picked hero in the game by a long shot. And most picked support in every rank by a lot apart from Bronze and GM.

She’s just annoying


because all of her abilities are low skill high reward

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They’ll only ever be happy with ana/bap if they get nerfed to where moira is at now. People on this forum like to pretend they’re being sympathetic towards moira being under-powered and how she deserves buffs. But wait and see, if moira ever gets any meaningful buff, people will start complaining about that as well.

And if ana/bap does get nerfed to moira’s level, guess what will happen? That power level will become the new normal and it won’t stop people from nit picking parts about their kits being ‘OP’.

Which I understand there’s a legitimate argument for, but with complains coming for ana (sleep dart, anti-nade), bap (lamp, AOE healing), brig (survivability, stacking AOE healing), mercy (rez, damage boost), and even zen (discord on tanks), they’ll never run out of things to complain about.

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Yes, my point is once people stop waking, she gets immense unreasonable value esp. against tanks with a fairly trivial ability at long distances. Sleep dart needs at most a 30m range, at most.

Right, but below gold few people dive the Ana. They live forever and are free to use their nade offensively very frequently. It’s a fact of life that in low elos players don’t target supports but instead keep firing at the tanks who the supports keep pumping healing into. You’ll find a lot more anti-nades being used at lower elos because the higher you go the more the Ana will save her nade to heal her team or herself.

Sleep is another matter - at all levels sleep is heading for the tanks most of the time, and it is a “1-shot combo” (I know, not a 1-shot) in at least 50% of uses against tanks in the games I play. It is way too powerful against tanks.

Good D.va’s eat nades for breakfast, good reins will block sleeps. Can we please stop pretending like there’s no counterplay to her…

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“Yet, so many years have passed and I still don’t know how to play against her.”

There, fixed that for you.


That’s true, but it’s also very taxing on the tank player to look out for even more stuff that might instantly get you killed and no other support has gamechanging abilities on like 10 second cooldowns against tanks. For me it just comes down to the fact that it’s not fun to play against her.


Every game is Ana Cole Roadhog.

Just give me hero bans at this point.

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what is backsweat buggita ?

do you want to compare that sym to current ana or any version of ana really ?