Every damn match that mother of [Pharah] is there

Nigh 100% time Ana is there. She is overtuned and is not fun to play against. She has too much going for her, not enough against her. The only thing she lacks is mobility. But her healing AND damage AND ease of use stun AND a multiplier on her healing AND a heal negater makes her a nightmare to deal with.


Alright I’m in plat and I know Ana is not that bad compared to some other supports


Nano is the part of her kit which could get a nerf… after bopteeth, backsweat and Tracy are nerfed first of course


What role & heroes do you play Tider?

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So learn to counter her and you win 100% more! :smiley:

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Shes NOT OP until she can NANO herself. :wink:

But yes, I agree the sleep dart spam gets real old.

Sadly, Ana is the only support who can deal with Roadhog, who is in almost 100% of the games. It’s not that Ana is played a lot because she’s overtuned, she’s the response to other problems in this game.


ok, try to selfpeel ur self against tracer with the sleepdart

Why u dont play her and climb at least to diamond?

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Ana was the most played hero long before Hog became viable. She has been OP for way too long and is a problem not just for Hog players - ask ball players and others. Even Rein can’t fire-strike without waiting for Ana to use her sleep on something else for fear that dropping his shield gets himself slept or everyone around him naded.

Ana just being present changes the way tanks can engage. It is way too much power in 1 support hero.

I’d love some stats on how often a sleep on a tank leads to a death. A low elo it is probably >50% of the time, especially if she can also hit the nade. It is basically a combo-kill on tanks which almost no other hero, apart from cassidy and hanzo, has. And the fact she is the one hero you can say is in almost every game below masters means she really ruins a lot of games for tanks, and is one of the reasons I now hate tanking.


It’s funny how often this dynamic takes place yet is ignored….

hero usage is not entirely due to their individual “power-level”….presence of others can heavily influence usage….

Like say if pharah was really strong for whatever reason….mercy’s usage would probably skyrocket…Cassidy goes hand in hand with tracer usage….zens usage goes up if dive tanks are really strong……etc etc


Well, in my games there has to be an Ana to deal with Roadhog and he is in every game. While what you say may be true, that doesn’t change the fact that Roadhog is just played a lot and something must be done to put him in check.

Ngl, I loved playing Ana when I still played but even I got annoyed when she seemed to repeatedly enjoy special treatment from the community a.k.a the arguments that were used to justify Ana’s place in the meta somehow didn’t seem to apply to other heroes. For example: people were complaining about Ana’s tremendous pickrates, others shut it up with “Hog is popular now so Ana is necessary”. Well, I can agree with that but funnily enough this exact same argument was brushed away when it came to others heroes. Like Sym who’s good against shields and thus was a good counter to double barrier. It took… what… a WEEK for them to nerf Sym, like her being meta for the first time ever after being trash her whole lifespan was a capital offense. And FYI I was fully on board with Sym’s first nerf because the fix they did to beam weapons made her too powerful but after that they just never stopped and decided to nerf her whole kit just to “make sure” or something. To this day I think Symmetra is probably the most blatant example of hero favoritism.

Also, for some reason when people criticize new heroes for their bloated kits they conveniently like to leave Ana out of it. Sigma gets shat on constantly yet Ana’s grenade which is, let’s see: AoE, heals, damages, buffs healing, blocks healing, has range… now that’s all fine. That ON TOP of her other abilities like CC, range/hitscan, and powerful & flexible Ult which not only instantly heals/buffs but also isn’t dependent on aim or enemy hero placement i.e. can just click Q on a good target for instant effect, don’t need to wait for enemy to be bunched or such (no wonder Nanoblade is so popular since Genji can just zig-zag all over the place ignoring shields). Everything of that is fine cuz it’s “skill” or “she doesn’t have mobility” or whatever but meanwhile Sigma is not fine although his kit has those same “skill” requirements the community harps about and he doesn’t have mobility either. (And once again, I agreed with Sigma’s initial nerfs for he was definitely overtuned but now… I’m just saying.)

I definitely wouldn’t like to see Ana nerfed to the ground for I like(d) playing her and often agree with what the community says about her but, like said, even I got annoyed with the constant special treatment she seems to get.


Do you know what spam is?


No, he isn’t and he is picked a lot less than Ana so Ana appears in lots of games without a roadhog.

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Well, that’s not completely true in my experience. Ana is a must because of the pick rates of Roadhog in most of my games.

I can be totally wrong and even with low Roadhog pickrates, Ana can be leading the support role as the most picked hero, but as a support myself, I find me playing a lot of Ana just because there’s a Roadhog on the enemy team. She’s just the best dealing with him.

And yes, sometimes I’m tired too of playing Ana.

Show me the pickrate stats where hog is picked as much as Ana? You are also ignoring that Ana has been one of the most, if not the most, picked hero for at least the last 2.5 years and probably longer, even while Hog has had a terrible pick rate at times.

Ana being picked at her current rate has nothing to do with Hog. She has always been picked at this rate.


I’m talking just about my games. I don’t know how to stress that enough lol It’s just my experience as a support player.

And of course, every experience can be different and that doesn’t mean I have the truth. It is what it is for me.

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Playing her is fun and rewarding, but also a big part of why tank feels miserable. She is not just a counter to hog, but the entire tank role. Diving her is just as frustrating as ignoring her when playing something like Rein and getting naded and slept from the backline.

Maybe they could revert the significant buff that allowed her to shoot through teammates, since it teachnically breaks the line of sight rule and boosted her overall healing.


Sleep though when your team doesn’t wake them is on too short a c/d and too easily executed at long range. Sleep needs to only have an effective range of maybe 20m, its just too good for sleeping tanks at range, people ulting, etc.

Yeah, its a can of Salty meat that requires a metal key or a pocket knife to cut open. It is precooked, packed full of sodium nitrate and precured before packing.

With sodium nitrate it can give a person a person a migraine headache, since they no longer cure meats naturally with slow process. Instead they use synthetic pink ‘salt’.

I use to eat Spam back in college. It was that or Ramen. Sometimes both, other times separate.

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