Every damn match that mother of [Pharah] is there

Give slept tanks a minigame while they wait off the rest period, it gets so boring and dull to take away the ability to PLAY THE GAME in such a short cooldown.


iā€™d personally prefer her over moira or bap being meta


Actually, I play Ball quite a bit and I can say Ana isnā€™t the worst of your problems, though granted I kinda dropped comp awhile back. Most mid-level Anas waste their sleep when they arenā€™t in danger, and even the ones that donā€™t, if you get behind them and kinda poke them from behind a corner, thereā€™s a pretty decent chance theyā€™ll try and pop sleep on you. Once they do that, duck behind your corner to dodge it, and you more or less have free reign to slam her (Bionade isnā€™t that big of a deal to you since it doesnā€™t effect your E, and most of the time you heal out of combat with health kits anyways).

If someoneā€™s peeling for her, you might need to hold back so as to not get melted, but even so, if youā€™re distracting the Ana and, say, Cassidy with your little hamster shennanigans from a safe distance, youā€™re forcing the enemy team to fight 4v5 without a main healer.


Ana is the only support that is overperforming. If your opinion is that sheā€™s fine, well, okay! No shade there. Wonā€™t argue it. Iā€™ve certainly put enough time into Ana myself.

But thereā€™s no ā€œā€¦compared to some other supportsā€. There are none above her. Every comparison is a favorable one for them because Ana is on top. You could just say, ā€œAna is not bad, in fact the support lineup is pretty good and in a healthy state (except Moira whom is underperforming).ā€

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Ana is one of the easiest Supports to deal with to be honest. Unless you are talking about masters Anas which get peels from Masters Lucio/Moira/Baps and gets help from Master/Diamond tanks. Then it gets really dicy trying to kill her.

You need to be ALWAYS aware where she is. Get someone to just throw random things at hear and other of you get an off angle. She wont survive the burst.

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i think part of the problem in uncoordinated games is that she is not focus fired. everyone ignores the ana. maybe not enough flankers or people concerned about her. dps should make her their no.1 target priority even supports that are flanker types like moira. if the team coordinated to kill her she wont be a problem

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Theres like 2 main healers left in this game, Ana & Bap. People dont really have a choice.

Tank and Hog only.

Furthermore, the ability to instantly negate Zenā€™s ult with a single ability is stupid tbf. For the same reason Immo is stupid.

hehe you must hate teams with ana and a sombra. i really love hacking the hog so he cant breatherā€¦ if there is an ana on my team than its a nightmare for him

that would suck tho

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Waitā€¦ Are you saying Pharah is a bastard? Meaning a progeny out of wedlock?

I mean I always suspect Rein and Ana to be doing the beast with two backs - in fact my headcanon says Ana invented Nano to give Rein another go in the bedroom.

Pharah does seem physically over-sized like Reinā€¦ Just saying.

But then again isnā€™t bastard male-gendered word by definition since women didnā€™t had property heritage rights?

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:open_mouth: :roll_eyes::ok_hand:

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Itā€™s delicious.

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Another topic last week had his pickrates for the last month which show that he is clearly not in every game, for you or anyone else.

Hereā€™s his pick rates for the last month among tanks:

Bronze : 4th 12.63% (1st Rein 25.37%, 2nd DVa 15.09%)
Silver : 3rd 12.99% (1st Rein 30.75%, 2nd Zarya 15.60%)
Gold : 3rd 15.14% (1st Rein 31.44% 2nd Zarya 17.18%)
Plat : 3rd 16.57% (1st Rein 27.71% 2nd Zarya 16.70%)
Diamond : 2nd 16.33% (1st Rein 23.82% 3rd Zarya 14.25%)
Masters : 1st 17.10% (2nd DVa 15.91% 3rd Rein 15.05%)
GM : 3rd 16.29% (1st Ball 20.58% 2nd Sigma 17.53%)

If you came and complained about Rein in every game then you would be a lot closer to the truth than hog in every game - especially at low elo where Rein is in twice as many games as Hog.

These are lifted from this topic, without verification.

Not in my games, that award goes to DVa.

itā€™s plat when donā€™t they wake them up since they want that extra dmg so they get gold dmg

this is the most hilarious thing i have ever seen, whoā€™s back sweat?

yea im trying to figure out who back sweat is too

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its either ball or brig idk

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+ridiculously tiny hitbox