Every damn match that mother of [Pharah] is there

Furthermore, the ability to instantly negate Zen’s ult with a single ability is stupid tbf. For the same reason Immo is stupid.

hehe you must hate teams with ana and a sombra. i really love hacking the hog so he cant breather… if there is an ana on my team than its a nightmare for him

that would suck tho

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Wait… Are you saying Pharah is a bastard? Meaning a progeny out of wedlock?

I mean I always suspect Rein and Ana to be doing the beast with two backs - in fact my headcanon says Ana invented Nano to give Rein another go in the bedroom.

Pharah does seem physically over-sized like Rein… Just saying.

But then again isn’t bastard male-gendered word by definition since women didn’t had property heritage rights?

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:open_mouth: :roll_eyes::ok_hand:

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It’s delicious.

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Another topic last week had his pickrates for the last month which show that he is clearly not in every game, for you or anyone else.

Here’s his pick rates for the last month among tanks:

Bronze : 4th 12.63% (1st Rein 25.37%, 2nd DVa 15.09%)
Silver : 3rd 12.99% (1st Rein 30.75%, 2nd Zarya 15.60%)
Gold : 3rd 15.14% (1st Rein 31.44% 2nd Zarya 17.18%)
Plat : 3rd 16.57% (1st Rein 27.71% 2nd Zarya 16.70%)
Diamond : 2nd 16.33% (1st Rein 23.82% 3rd Zarya 14.25%)
Masters : 1st 17.10% (2nd DVa 15.91% 3rd Rein 15.05%)
GM : 3rd 16.29% (1st Ball 20.58% 2nd Sigma 17.53%)

If you came and complained about Rein in every game then you would be a lot closer to the truth than hog in every game - especially at low elo where Rein is in twice as many games as Hog.

These are lifted from this topic, without verification.

Not in my games, that award goes to DVa.

it’s plat when don’t they wake them up since they want that extra dmg so they get gold dmg

this is the most hilarious thing i have ever seen, who’s back sweat?

yea im trying to figure out who back sweat is too

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its either ball or brig idk

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+ridiculously tiny hitbox

She was the beginning of Nu-Overwatch and kit bloat. The rest has all been crying in the rain ever since.


Ana is fine. She is easily dived.


i see more of bastion than ana

Basically same thing as widow/hanzo against shield, especially rein’s, and yet so many more people complain about those 2 snipers that gets 1 kill in a rein firestrike window than an ana who can potentially kill 2-5 depends on how many people get naded, on an ability with a 4m aoe.

Don’t forget IM as an stupid ability (at least too strong in current form imo) was made to counter nade and ended up countering almost everything just like brig 1.0 against tracer.

Need someone to tuck you in?


This is entirely incorrect. Try again.

Ana has been the most picked hero for 2 years now. At all ranks.


Every time I play Tank against Ana I feel the spontaneous urge to pour salt into my eyes.

Yet, so many years have passed and she still hasn’t been addressed.