[Everlasting Hope 🌲] Share a Positive Occurrence!

That makes sense :smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:


Jeff Kaplan himself commented on it proof that these forums haven’t been forgotten ha :smile:

Also Jeff Kaplan himself commented on it that never happens unless it’s of extreme importance I’m in awe :laughing:

I didn’t exactly read the whole story but I skimmed it and Overwatch or OWL as it were really makes a difference you don’t see this in other video games Overwatch is doing wonders be it intentional or unintentional it really is helping :hugs:

Always remember positivity is :key:


Doom skin comes today. Looks like OWL is on a mission to make great skins for my mains :smile:

Personally i call it Zoomfist

EDIT: Just seen the hero pools. Looks like its time to play even more Pharah. The game really wants me to main her :joy:

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I made the Echo thread not like anyone cared however I got your a week late and I told people not to get there hopes up comments mostly but eh oh well that thread was just to clarify nothing more :smile:

I also mentioned you in that thread due to helping come up with the conclusion :yum:

Always remember positivity is :key:


Yay! I’ll go look for it!

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You can if you want but I’m not sure what you’ll find there its a barren wasteland now it died the instant I made it :sweat_smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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Well, how long was it since the last response? So I’ll know where to find it.

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I can search beck from your posting history and link it here

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I was the last to respond and that was 19h ago :no_mouth:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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That works also :smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:


Off-Topic but whatever happened to the Doom skin? Its supposed to drop today.

Perhaps it was delayed bliz does a have a way with doing stuff like that :sweat_smile:

Though how goes maining Pharah? She’s a hard hero to play I used to Main her back in my early days along with Mercy but that was years ago :laughing:

Always remember positivity is :key:

In low elo its great to use her. We often do Pharmercy with my girlfriend. Well a softer version of it so Mercy is not necessarily pocketing but healing every critical teammate. Its good to challenge hitscan heroes. There are situations where you will ultimately lose like against a very good McCree but at least its easier now to disrupt enemy shield dancing.

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Pharmercy is one of the most powerful combos if done correctly and one of the most hated at that :grimacing:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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And 1337th post is yours :joy:

I wonder how ranked is on consoles now with Pharah counters banned…

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I don’t play on console anymore or very rarely :sweat_smile:

And 1337th post I’m guessing that’s a post on this thread? :thread:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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Yes in this thread. I forgot to put that there…

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I wouldn’t have known since I’m in 2000+ comments in general :rofl:

Always remember positivity is :key:


Brigitte’s katt emote is P E R F E C T

Edit: haha, I accidentally wrote peefect