So Echo’s a DPS 🤭

So Echo’s a DPS it isn’t that bad we all thought Echo was going to be a support blizzard had us fooled I admit I fell for it also but I think I found a way to help people understand this whole thing and blizzards point of view :smile:

In Echo’s short her creator Mina Liao wanted to create a being to help others and protect the weak and the helpless and she did she created the Omnic Echo :mechanical_arm:

Now Echo may seem like a support with her design and all even her intro in Reunion with MCcree and Ashe but here’s my take and I believe blizzards reasoning on her :wink:

Echo was made to protect the world from evil Null Sector, Talon other criminal elements she was made to help Orisa was made to help and protect also she is Numbanis protector and she doesn’t heal but she has supporting abilities I haven’t played Echo yet although I could but that’s besides the point not all healers in Overwatch are Main healers Lucio is a half healer or partial healer if you will he speed boost and heals but his healing only does so much same with Moira, Brig and Zenyatta Echo May not be able to heal allies but once upon a time Symmetra was a support with supporting abilities as well :yum:

Your reasoning may also be omg it’s another flipping DPS though well again once upon a time offense and defense were there own separate roles before the merge so the DPS category is of course massive we may be in need of another support or tank but it’s not the end of the world :earth_americas::earth_africa::earth_asia:

Blizzard gave us Archives early with challenge modes and new skins, emotes, sprays and more early for free no DLC required and on top of all that we got Echo a simple peace loving Omnic who blast her foes instead of healing her team which is perfectly fine :relieved:

If you disagree tell me I’m open to hearing why you may be disappointed or angry but don’t tell me if your going to be toxic about it this community has been put to the test time and again and has failed time and again with toxicity we all need to get along and be happy :smiley:

As Baptiste likes to say let’s maintain that positive attitude! :upside_down_face:

FYI shout out to BattlePants we both came to this Echo conclusion and more together they deserve just as much credit as I do with coming up with why Echo was made a DPS which again is not the end of the world :sweat_smile:

Also to explain my reasoning on thinking Echo was a support was because she looked like one but also we were in desperate need for another support which we still are but in Zero Hour you may only she her shooting Null Sector bots but that doesn’t mean she could’ve been a healer just wasn’t healing in the cinematic I may have been clinging to false hope but I’m ok with the end delivery :truck:

I also made this thread to voice the hate I’ve heard her getting and ease those angry tempers and I may be late making this thread but I was late hearing of her release :sweat_smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:





Some of us saw her carpet bombing Null sector bots last November in Zero Hour and drawing aggro and flying everywhere to distract the giant gundam, and were (correctly) making threads on how she’s probably gonna be Pharah 2.0

Some of us warned people on here at every chance we got who were already referring to her as a support, we corrected them over and over and over, letting them know that her role wasn’t confirmed anywhere lol

I see your point but Lucio and Moira even Ana all carry weapons Echo could have been a support but wasn’t shown healing anyone I can’t recall a time we’ve seen this in a short but it was possible :sweat_smile:

I clinched to the hope she was support because I main support and we were in desperate need for one it I’m ok with the end delivery :truck:

Always remember positivity is :key:

Not sure why people were so convinced she was DEFINITELY a support anyway. I mean in the cinematic she was in all she did was dps.

you’re like over a week late with this thread?

My comment above yours explains my reason in that cinematic but I see your point I just clinged to the hope she was due to being in need of one :sweat_smile:

And this thread was made to voice the hate I’ve heard her getting :smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:

To be honest i think that Echo being a DPS is the best case scenario as she can be any role she wants to and what is needed. She can be a 3rd tank or support even. Pick a Mei, have a heal Echo and you have triple tank and support for example.


I’ve heard of her duplicate ultimate and it is a very intriguing ult I might add she’s more neutral than anything else since she can be any role she wants to be she’ll also be my 4th main :smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:


I’m totally going to try maining Echo as well.

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I havent seen anyone using this definition because everyone ultimately uses “hybrid”, but i love versatile heroes.

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I like to bend and defy the rules from time to time I don’t go with the flow hybrid does work but then again :wink:

Also I’ll be using Echo’s ult as a support ult I’m a bias support main when it comes to this type of stuff and extra healing always helps :smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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