[Everlasting Hope 🌲] Share a Positive Occurrence!

Oh tell me about it my minds against me :100:% of the time it’s frustrating :neutral_face:

Also I could do 4 and pretend that offense and defense are separate but Echo is likely in the same category as Mei had the merge not happened so I can’t :expressionless:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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Well, Mei was a Defense hero in the past, and Echo is very talented at pushing forward and controlling the air (like Pharah, who was an Offense hero). You should be good to go.

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I’ll give it a go but this is going to throw me into insanity :laughing:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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I wouldn’t worry too much. Plus, whenever a new DPS comes out, I always think it’s fun to use reasoning to try and determine which role they would have been in. I think Ashe would have been Defense, for example, because she is in the sniper category and her Ultimate is essentially a giant turret (turrets were exclusive to the Defense role with the exception of Symmetra).

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That’s a good point actually :sweat_smile:

Also I figured out why Echos a DPS protecting others doesn’t always mean healing them Orisa is a protector the protector of Numbani and she doesn’t heal Echo protects others by fighting for what’s right and by defending those weaker than herself :smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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That right there is also a valid point. It also explains why Symmetra was a Support hero and didn’t heal. She helped in other ways, such as providing transportation or additional shield health, as well as using her turrets to slow down enemies.

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It takes a calm clear mind to figure out the way blizzard thinks nobody seems to get that which in turn is why toxicity exist :neutral_face:

Echo and Symmetra could very well be support heroes just not support heroes if you get what I mean :sweat_smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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Oh, I totally get that. I just wish others could realize that Support does not always equal healing. By that logic, Lúcio is a half support, because only half the time he’s healing. That logic just doesn’t make sense because if he isn’t healing, he’s speeding his team up, which is supportive.

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Exactly in other games there are heroes with like one heal ability and the rest are attack abilities like Mei self heal Echo could have a heal others ability but be a DPS due to having more of a DPS load out :smile:

We are on fire :fire:

Always remember positivity is :key:

Speaking of toxicity, I just was on a 9 game comp winning streak, when we lost one game, everybody left, and I found another group, and they were toxic as heck, I ended up just leaving because the toxicity was too bad…

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What I really like about Echo is that technically, she is all roles. She can copy any hero in the game (aside from an enemy Echo for obvious reasons) and use their abilities and even their Ultimates. Echo will be a big gamechanger for Overwatch, and frankly, I’m excited.

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I say let’s maintain that positive attitude before every game and you wouldn’t believe the amount of **** you I get for it or trolling or people telling me I’m trolling or like you seem fake the toxicity in this game is overwhelming :expressionless:

Always remember positivity is :key:

That’s no good… hope you can find nicer people out there. Toxicity gets everyone nowhere. If you get tilted, your performance will be poorer. Good luck and take breaks if you need it.

Thanks. I think I’m done for tonight playing overwatch because I know in the morning I’ll have a ton of messages from the toxic players complaining I left

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If I get bummed out from Competitive, I always just play custom games. I’d recommend them to you if you don’t play them already. Some of them are so much fun that you forget you’re even playing Overwatch.

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Like BattlePants said try custom games glitched hide and seek is the absolute best and infection, Reaper infection used to be a thing but it disappeared shortly before December but try those there wicked fun boss battles are also pretty fun or try zombies it’s like infection but it’s not trust me there different :smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:


It is a different game mode with a different group of players.

Like i was the 3-on-3 basketball champs of my university faculty decades ago.
However, i never made it to any team during my senior high days as well as was not being a starter on my amateur league team in my 30s and we lost more than we won. Heh!


Sharing a positive occurrence from another thread here.


Saw that, loved it. Thanks for sharing!


I saw that too, it was wonderful :3