[Everlasting Hope šŸŒ²] Share a Positive Occurrence!

I see what your saying but letā€™s get weird :laughing:

Imagine this Bastion wearing a parrot mask with robot parrot wings attached to his back and in turret mode he shoots a little baby pirate ship :wink:

And in tank mode he shoots cannon balls :grin:

Also Ganymede is dressed up as a little bitty pirate on parrot Bastions shoulder :parrot:

Itā€™s weird I know but unique and Bastion mains such as yourself can say I got a unique pirate skin yas :pirate_flag:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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That would also be quite cool, honestly. However, it would likely have to be one of those ten dollar league skins, because like Brigitteā€™s Goat skin, it was hinting at a metaā€¦ (and would they really give Bastion a third Anniversary Legendary??)

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If thereā€™s one thing Iā€™ve learned donā€™t underestimate blizzard with there skin diversity Torb has 3 Archive skins now 2 legendary and 1 epic so I donā€™t see a problem with it :laughing:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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Very true (however Torbjƶrnā€™s Legendary skins are different color variationsā€¦) but it would also bum me out because Bastion has yet to receive a Summer Games skin (the only annual event Bastion is lacking a skin from, actually) and Bastionā€™s most recent skin is Gwishin from last yearā€™s Archives (not counting Brick because it was a limited time skin that is no longer available).

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It could be a Halloween skin :sweat_smile:

And Mercyā€™s lacking an anniversary skin so we both have an event skin gap :rofl:

Also while weā€™re on the topic of skins I want Combat Medic but also Pajamei because Mei, Mercy and D.va are my 3 main mains and now Iā€™m like wow oof ouch 1020 currency and Academy D.va on anniversary double woof :laughing:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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Oh yes, I know there are many heroes in worse skin cases than Bastion (looking at Genji and D.Va in terms of Halloween Terror and Winter Wonderland skinsā€¦) Makes me wish they wouldnā€™t make skins for heroes who already have skins from the event until everyone has one.

There are also a couple skins for various heroes I want too lol, but Iā€™m broke soā€¦

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Overwatch is a demanding game after all an Elf D.va skin would be amazing and not a holiday Elf a fantasy Elf :wink:

And D.va and Genjiā€™s last skins were almost a year ago itā€™s getting kind of ridiculous with the gaps I love Mercy but I donā€™t mind waiting for a new skin so others get a shot at one :smile:

Also Iā€™m not even touching Orisa thatā€™s a wow problem :neutral_face:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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Yeah, I just want everyone to get a lot of skins lolā€¦

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I wish for good skins as well :slightly_smiling_face:

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I donā€™t know how blizzard decides who needs and who doesnā€™t need a skin for an event but like yeesh Sigma shouldā€™ve gotten a skin this event but I guess anniversary is are next best bet :neutral_face:

And since itā€™s anniversary I think it would be cool if every hero got skin after all this craziness ends that is :sweat_smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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I dunno about giving Sigma a new skin yet, honestlyā€¦ his Rime skin is amazing, and heā€™ll be sharing the emote spotlight with Echo (dance emotes). Heā€™s quite well off for now. But another skin would certainly be nice.

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I do too! The more skins, the better!

Anniversary is an event that anything can really happen so Sigma might get one :sweat_smile:

And I only have 3 mains but with Echo Iā€™m like could I have a 4th then thatā€™d make it 2 DPS 1 Support and 1 Tank and Iā€™m like no thatā€™s not acceptable so Iā€™m going a little mad right now :laughing:

Always remember positivity is :key:

True, Anniversary doesnā€™t really have any specific theme (which I love, because this is where Blizzardā€™s art team can really show off their creativity)!

My mains are in the same categories too, lol.

DPS: Bastion and Junkrat

Tank: Reinhardt

Support: Zenyatta

I only have 3 due to the 3 categories had bliz not shoved offense and defense together Iā€™d have 4 :sweat_smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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I honestly kind of wish theyā€™d undo that merge of Offense and Defense heroes.

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Congratulations on achieving that rank, Auriel.
Well done! =)


I thought you liked that idea due to are last conversation we had about it :sweat_smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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I do, but I also donā€™t. I argue with my own mind at times lol

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Thanks it was actually an accident but I made it and I always seem to place higher in elimination than I do in regular so if I can place plat in elimination why not regular? :sweat_smile:

And when I read that it said Iā€™m not in I hate auto correct :rofl:

Always remember positivity is :key: