Ever regret buying a golden gun

For me Mercy’s golden was the only one I really wanted though I gotta say… with her rework to valk ult I just don’t care about playing her anymore. Got Zen’s golden too which is nice and all. But it just isn’t the same.

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Well, your player icon is Goldhardt so you’re still rich in two ways :wink:

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Couple days ago I finally got my first golden gun. Got it for D.Va. For now, I don’t regret it since D.Va has really grown on me these past couple of weeks. I guess I’ll see whether or not that changes in the future.

All 3 of mine were mistakes. Back when dva has 200/400 hp I bought it, sombra cuz she was fun as and I was good at her (rip) and Genji cuz I was good with him for about 3 games xD. I’m certain this time about Baguette/Hanzo/Moira/shoot I’m not sure :disappointed_relieved:

I don’t exactly regret it but I look at how I got it and I think… “no wonder overwatch felt so boring” after I got it. In season 3 i would play all day even if I didn’t want to till I got 10 comp wins. As soon as I got the weapon I tried playing but… i got no enjoyment out of it. I took a long break from OW after that.

Almost got Sym’s, settled on Mercy’s about 4 months ago. Don’t really regret getting Mercy’s - I was gonna get Sym next but her rework will make her less accessible for me to play. Probably going for Moira next.

I bought Mercy’s golden gun AFTER her nerf.

Could always go for the gilded nuts with his winter skin.

Mercy has one of the best golden guns though. It’s the first one I got and my favorite still

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Yeah… You are good at certain hero, you like playing that hero, so you are buying the golden gun, then there are chances which mess with hero’s identity and even though the hero might be still viable, but you don’t feel that way.

And that’s how Mercy looks for me right now.

Personally, I have more interest at legendary skins than golden weapons. I almost don’t care for golden weapons at all.

I bought the Mccree golden gun, and i’m a tank main.
I had a few good potgs, and i thought i was a good mccree.
But then i found out that he is actually very easy to play,
i also found out that people insta-lock him way too much.
Ever since then i havent touched mccree.

I’ve been playing since two years ago and I still don’t have one. But I’m making sure to finish placements every season to get the points.

Eventually I’ll get Moira’s golden gauntlets.

It’s a cosmetic item bought with digital currency that represents minimal time investment.


I regret getting orisa’s considering how must better Rein is right now

I got Reaper’s golden guns about 2 weeks before Brig got released. Since I’ve hated playing almost all of the post-launch heroes, I thought Brigitte would be no different.

Turns out I actually love playing Brig and really want her golden flail and shield, but blew all my cp on Reaper’s shotguns.

No disrespect to Reaper, but i just don’t play him any more.

I wish I knew any feeling of Golden Gun purchases, but sadly, I’ve yet still to get mine xD

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Same here, but I’m getting closer😁

You will get there Nova👍

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Mercy. She just has not been fun to play for me since they ruined her.

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I liked having McCree’s for awhile. Now he’s D-Tier. RIP.

I also have Zarya and Tracer’s … sigh.