Which hero do you regret getting a golden gun for and why do you regret it?
First gun I bought was for Mercy when she had Rez as an ULT and I regret it because since the rework and the many nerfs, I just couldn’t find any joy playing her.
I now wish I had bought one for Reaper or Soldier instead.
Reaper mains with golden guns be like
“I’M RIIIIIIIICH” I think you know the reason
I can’t say I regret buying Symmetra’s gun. I worked really hard to get the gun for my favorite hero, and I actually think it’s the prettiest golden design.
That being said, if the new rework takes away her accessibility allowing me to play her well and with absolute confidence in my ability to pull my weight as a team player, I will feel somewhat fraudulent as much as I love and adore Symmetra. I think golden guns should be gotten for heroes you both like and can play confidently with.
I hope her changes are to your liking. I really mean that too because nothings worse than having the gun and enjoying their play style only for it to change.
Symmetras gun is very pretty. I bought Hanzo’s bow because its also beautiful, but I don’t regret it even though I never play him.
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My first Golden gun was for roadhog and then he got hit with crazy nerfs like 2 days later. I was so mad lol. But he’s better now so I don’t regret it. Then I got ana and now I’m gonna get zarya. I was thinking of Brigitte but idk I think she’s gonna get hit hard with the Nerf bat sooner rather than later. I usually main zen in comp but I hate his golden balls that you can’t even see
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I wish I was better with Ana because her gun looks really nice gold on the young skin.
Brig will be my next gold gun. I think the shield looks amazing and I feel like even if she’s nerfed, I enjoy how active she is so I doubt I’ll regret it like I do with Mercy.
I wish i didnt buy Sombra’s golden gun i just got bored of her
I really hope so too. The changes just have me really worried because on top of losing all of her gun functionality, it’s like we’re going from “hey even if you can’t aim you can still deal damage!” to “Have the strength of Geguri and the aim of Kephrii or gtfo” — I play other heroes that technically require aim, but they all have abilities and functions that make it easier for me like Sombra’s stealth and escape, Mei’s freeze, Torbjorn’s turret, Bastion’s sentry etc. I’m disabled and by nature I don’t participate in multiplayer games, so seeing the few heroes I can actually play and enjoy in Overwatch dwindle is scary and disheartening.
When the change happens, just pretend she’s a brand new character that way it’ll be less frustrating. I was always terrible with her and I’m not disable I think you will be okay… well just have to see.
So far no. I was this close to getting a mercy gold gun right before the rework. Im glad I didn’t.
I have gold guns for:
And Brigitte
Planning on zarya next.
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You dodged a bullet there!
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I bought my one and only golden gun for Ana. It was a decent choice, but I don’t like having it equipped on her. It’s too flashy and I feel obligated to play extremely well, even though I’m just adequate with Ana.
I wish I’dve bought it for Torb or something, for the lolz
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I would never regret buying my golden gun.
For the simple reason I love the character. Not for the power they might have. Not if they are meta or not. Not for some pick rate or special moves. But for the personality and fun of the characters lore.
That’s why I’ll always have Junkrat’s golden gun proudly, and boldly, displayed.
imo. People that buy a golden gun just for a character that’s a must pick or in meta…then they are buying the gun for the wrong reasons.
Unless you just have endless SR, then whatever on that.
I only have McCree’s golden gun. Don’t regret it one bit.
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Never regretted a purchase but I have had a close call. Almost purchased Winston’s gun at one point, and now I’m super glad I didn’t since he appears to be next to worthless now.
I bought Roadhog’s golden gun, like 2 weeks before they removed his damage.
I bought Reinhardt’s golden axe, like 2 weeks before they buffed all the tank killers.
Soooo… yeah.
I bought torbjorn because he cant possibly become any worse then his current state and then I bought roadhog as he’s finally in a fairly balanced state though I’m sure they might do some minor buffs to select hero’s because of Brigitte’s introduction.
I think buying my Bastion gun was for lols too. So I know what you mean!
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I bought Brigitte’s gun the day she came out because I have every support’s golden gun and figured I’d be playing a lot of her.
Turns out I hate playing her. RIP.