Ever regret buying a golden gun

Oooo his is beautiful, I wish I was better at him

If I ever get enough I’ll probably get the golden hands for Moira


Yeah I bought Winston’s golden gun just before Briggite was released… you can see how that went for a tank main…

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I like Zenyatta’s gold weapon, but I am starting to regret my purchase. Back then, Zen was my main in comp and I was stuck in low gold for the longest time; I couldn’t climb. This was mainly due to my difficulties in aiming, as I was using an Xbox 360 controller on the PC version (I’m currently using an Xbox One controller in comp on PC).

Ever since I switched over to Torbjorn as my main, I climbed to a solid Platinum ranking. Now, I’ve moved on from Zen and don’t see myself ever trying to play as him ever again, besides those times I get forced to play as him in Mystery Heroes. But it’s okay, because I got my golden shotgun/hammer for Torb, which is all I really care about at this point :slight_smile:

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maybe i would regret having bought a golden gun if i played competitive frequently enough to get a golden gun

Took me saving up since release to collect the currency to get a golden Doomfist and I rarely play him but it does look good so…no regrets :slight_smile:

Winston is still cool as heck though! I’ve always loved how it looks on the frogston skin!

Plenty, S76 never used him again since a year and a half, Tracer not really using her either, Zarya is forgotten and now I wasted points on Brigitte who’s gonna end up trash tier soon so no point using her much.

About to get reaper’s one as my first golden, he cant get any worst so im cool

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Not yet. Only got the Golden Flail & Shield :kissing_smiling_eyes: and I love polishing them with enemy heads :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Aiming for a Golden Staff & Golden Wristlets next.

Feel like I should have got Mercy’s before Ana’s, Ana is too weak to get much use of, and has been for a while. On the other hand, it’s really nice with Corsair skin and playing support is a rare treat for me anyway. I’ll have Mercy’s by the end of the season so it’s no great loss.

Otherwise I’m happy that I have them for Widow, Sombra, D.Va, Orisa and Pharah.

I thought I was Rich… :confounded:

I dont have any at the moment but im gonna get Mercy’s and then Zenyatta’s.

And hopefully never regret the choices-


I bought mccrees golden gun and I don’t regret it. I don’t play him much in comp but when I want to work on my aim in QP or FFA he is my go to.

Not to mention how amazing his golden gun looks with his blackwatch skin

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I started buying golden weapons for random characters, so no not really.

I bought doomfist’s the literal day before his nerf

Back on console days, I used to regret on buying her golden gun since I don’t play her on comp (Tank/Support main) until season 5 and onwards. She is my number one favorite hero which is the reason why I wanted get it. Now I don’t. :slightly_smiling_face:

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The first and only golden weapon I have is for Doomfist. I’m not very good with him and there’s a part of me that feels guilty when I pick him and others see my giant golden fist and then My K/D ratio is 1:3. There’s this sense that, because you got their golden weapon, you must be godly with them. Personally, I just think it looks dope.

Yeah I wish I could refund Mercy’s golden gun.


I bought D.Va’s golden gun (my first one) shortly before they halved her DM uptime, giving her rockets instead. Even though she became S-tier shortly after, she stopped being fun imho.

Wish we had the chance to refund one (= a single) golden gun during anniversary or something like that, because of all those hero changes.