yeah she got a SMALL buff, but you know what else happened, another symmetra counter just got added, their buffing all shot guns and reapers life steal.
Shes not getting buffed, in her curret state if ANYTHING other than mercy or dva gets buffed symmetra gets nerfed
I just hate Symmetra’s micro Zarya-style lazer and 3 turrets on huge cooldown and clunky slow to build tele where you gotta press extra key…
Honestly Sym is the only person I truly hate getting in mystery heroes. I miss her 2.0 form with shield gen, old tele, lock on damage, and 6 turrets, and throwable e shield
Blizzard seems content that Symmetra owns her own little niche, but it turns out that no one really cares about that niche. It’s like being really really good at dribbling a basketball, but having a slow run and a terrible shot.
Symmetra is basically really good against large targets that can’t aim and never look behind them.
Have you ever considered sym’s turrets to act like torb’s current turret?
For example if her turrets are in the range of her and her opponent, you can make your turrets auto-target the opponent symmetra is currently targeting?
I think that’d be a cool thing to try out. The slow would really help you melt who you’re targeting and give us more control over our kit. (you should make a thread about the idea!)
Not true in the slightest. She excels against GOATS comps. If you are running GOATS with Sym vs another GOATS comp, your team automatically has an advantage by having the mobility of a dive comp but as a GOATS comp.
GOATS is also typically slower paced which a Symmetra thrives in.
It’s a small QOL, but I don’t think it would matter. The problem with her turrets has been how fragile they are for their long cooldown. Symmetra can store 3 turrets at a 10 second cooldown that aren’t guaranteed to do any damage regardless of how skillful you are with Sym. Junkrat can store two bombs with an 8 second cooldown that do 120 instant damage that’s really hard to miss if you’re a competant Junk.
Which is understandable, but I am arguing where the team has a fight.
Teleporter is a great way to cheekily gain the high ground or better positioning, however I strongly stand by the claim that she brings less value to the table in a team fight.
She’s basically still a 2cp defense hero and first point hybrid map defense hero. Just like at launch. Nothing’s changed about her strengths other than how she plays.
If you limit your choice of her as a hero to those situations, you will have high success.
I disagree again. Sym has never been great while fighting on point unless her entire team is also there. Her ult can contribute to a fight. However, a chaotic teamfight on the point can leave any backline fighter or support (like Ana, Zen, and Widow) extremely susceptible and virtually incapable of being protected by their team from a flanking Sym due to their focus on the point.
As I say over and over in this forum, Sym is and has always been the type of hero who picks her battles. If you can’t do well with her and find yourself dead a lot, you are picking the wrong battles or the right battles at the wrong time.
I think that’s sort of the problem. A lot of characters in her class don’t need to make that decision and are highly successful.
“You need to be careful picking your battles” when every other character seems to pick them for you leaves you at a disadvantage. The only other character I can think of that needs to be that careful is Sombra, who has an instant teleport and a game-breaking ultimate.
The long cd is to mitigate her oppressiveness. If you die as Sym throwing your last turret, by the time you make it back to the fight, you’ll have all 3 back unless you’re literally defending third point and the point is right beside your spawn.
I think a more efficient change would be to simply have her turret count reset upon death so she spawns with all 3.
Depends on the map and placement. They can be annoying enough to hinder every push if strategically placed. They can be simple toys that are easily dealt with on some maps and situations.