Even samito think ball nerf is really bad

Sign the petition for justice.


Although there’s many things about Samito’s take that I agree with, one thing that I always disagree with is how he always immedietly goes onto blaming tank or supports balance when he’s losing. Even though in most of these losing games, it’s almost always a result of team-diff.

He rarely ever takes into account team-diff and lack of solo carry potential for individual players for his losses but are always quick to blame tank or supports. He often says DPS are useless, and yet his co-support are also not winning as well which technically also means supports also aren’t impacting the game enough to turn the loss into a win.

So imo the problem isn’t just tank/support being OP, but many other things as well like excessive dependency on your teammates, bad map design, matchmaker that creates games with generous SR gap, and much, much more.

EDIT: correction, I watched his stream more. And later on, he did blame the map and team-diff as well. So I think he was just emotionally riled up when he was blaming other roles. Which I understand since even tank/support players say DPS is OP when they get frustrated at the game.


why we gotta keep checking in with samito’s thoughts on stuff every 11 days, is this his forum or something

esp silly when people don’t add their own thoughts


I really want to know what mental disconnect the people who play this game have that they constantly complain about how the game has too much CC but then also defend keeping in bad mechanics because “bro you can just swap to CC”

Samito who?
20 boring chars

I should try to link Samito my suggestion on how to make the nerf not so bad to see what he thinks. The way I see it, this would nerf Spin2win without effecting pretty much anything else

Take whatever he says with a grain of salt, even if it aligns with your own views.

Just do yourself that favor.

Not true, doing high speed turns like in some maps like Lijang Tower could have speen in the higher velocitiies and high grapple points to do amazing turns and ambush prey. You can’t do that stuff anymore sadly due to this nerf without compensation.

Is there anything he doesn’t?

him not agreeing with a nerf is also complaining

It’s unnecessary at high Elo, so technically he’s right… but it’s needed for low elo

It’s just a few fanboys posting his stuff, then other people are obliged to comment so it doesn’t turn into an echo(heh) chamber.

I missed the part where thats my Problem

That would be fine as well honestly. How much HP would it have though? 50? 100?

With how fast things die, I’d say 200. Or maybe whatever IF’s health is.

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150, that seems fair. It shouldn’t take long for people to break it when he’s doing spin to win. Good suggestion.

The trick is to pay money out of your dead end retail job’s paycheck to a clown on the internet you feel close to. The more you simp the more you care supposedly.

literally no one but his fans care about him

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He thinks everything is stupid, including this forum.

He’s a little crybaby, ngl. He is going to masters, playing support, and is constantly complaining about them not playing like t500 players. Yeah wtf do you expect

It’s a bad sign when your team is deep in development and you are still trying to hire functional devs. This project is gonna be a mess.