Even samito think ball nerf is really bad

You don’t need CC to left-click and kill ball.

You don’t even need to track ball spinning on a point. You can literally shoot at 1 spot, never move and kill ball spinning around.

Samito the Dorito

20 char

Samito- “No! My tanks/supports are throwing with “______” hero”.

Also Samito- forces Doomfist into Hog, Orisa, Torb, Tracer, Brig, Bap


Who even cares what samito thinks? The guys should stay shut for every ramblimg he goes on about it brimgs further disgrace to the game

Your not lying, I auto switch off ball when the enemy has a sombra or a good cree/dart stun combo.

A majority of devs are hardstuck gold-plat. Both Geoff Goodman and Kaplan were gold boys which explains a whole lot.
Like two years ago they hired a single masters-4K player on the balance team. He appeared in one video talking about balance development and the team’s skill rankings and then I never saw another update since.

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Unfortunately that’s exactly what they did. I’m pretty certain that the Ball and Rein changes were taken directly from Flat’s pitch in the experimental.

Ya a flat 6 seconds wasn’t a good idea, a push for say 6 seconds of active moving. and slight recharge/reset to that if not moving while hooked. as to keep micro movements from messing up certain roll outs.

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