You realize Jeff has said they are leaving her this way THREE times, right? Here’s the latest:
As a Mercy main myself, I’m embarrassed by the insistent amount of sheer whining going on. You asked if they will revert her, they said No. You continued to whine. You asked if they will change her, they said No, and you continue to complain.
Where is your proof of this? Did you poll the entire Overwatch community and playerbase?
The forums only make up a TINY portion of the playerbase. The people who want Mercy changed make up an even SMALLER portion of the forums.
They HAVE. They said she is fine and they aren’t going to fix her! Just because you don’t like the answer doesn’t mean they aren’t communicating!
I, for one, am glad they are never bringing back Hide-And-Rez Mercy 1.0. Mercy is the most balanced she has ever been, her pickrates are very high, she is strong but also fair and has counterplay, and she is fun for many people.
If someone doesn’t enjoy Mercy, they shouldn’t play her.
Sym is getting reworked soon, they are changing her entire kit. Many former Sym mains will stop playing her, many Sym mains will continue to play her, and many new Sym players will start playing her. That’s how it was with Mercy. It’s normal for some people to dislike balance changes, they can go play one of the other 27 heroes.