Endorsements have ruined being genuinely nice

i have caught my pinky goin rogue so many times from just jackin around faking it.

Pretty sure the OP is complaining about the part where people are actively insulting them and being more directly toxic to them because they assume any nicety is fake, not because OP is sad that other players aren’t “impressed.”

At least, that’s the impression I got when I actually read the first post where it says those things.


For us support characters, in the words of Mercy

‘It’s nice to be appreciated’


Yeah, I hope this is something that blows over quickly.

It should, because on League of legends no one overreacts to the endorsement system there called honors, everyone knows you get honored as long as you do your best. People get periodically rewarded there for honor too. But they don’t have voice chat and OW does, maybe that makes a difference.

This sounds like you’re afraid of the boogieman.

You’re expressing a concern that your generally positive behavior is going to be consistently bullied by people because of a system that is encouraging people to have more positive behavior.

Okay? Just be you. You’ll attract more positives than negatives. Someone who says, “Yeah, right. Stop being fake.” When I hear that, I immediately know someone I’m not planning on endorsing.

Simple solution to a simple problem.

Just be you. Stop being afraid of the boogieman because of a fear of change.


I’d rather have a person acting fake just to rack up endorsements than some crazy guy screaming at everyone in the chat.

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Give it couple of days and these comments will stop. Stop being a crybaby.

If u were genuinely nice u wouldn’t care about them anyway.

“The boogieman” is kind of a weak metaphor for this, because “the boogieman”-- in this case-- is a real thing that already reared it’s ugly head and showed itself, revealing that it wasn’t just a creature of fantasy. The OP says that this has already happened to them today, not that they’re afraid it will happen.

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Ha ha wow. Feature’s a failure right out of the gate.

I saw someone be upset because “now a lot more people will play support and tank to get votes!”

Like honey, if someone picks healer or tank when nobody else does I’ll gladly give them my endorsements regardless if they are only doing it for some superficial reward or not.


People would always tell each other “just mute the toxic players”-- are you telling me they can’t mute the nice players? Some guy talking a lot on mic doesn’t make the feature a failure.

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I honesty don’t like it either as I am always positive, but people will think that I am just being positive just for votes.

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I like the idea of the system, and I’ve not been called anything (though I only played like 3 games. Still kinda on a break).

But I do kinda have anxiety about this. XD I typically try to be nice, too, and point out when people make awesome plays. But now I’m like, “I better not. They’ll just think I’m patronizing or trying to get votes.”

lol … Kind of ironic in a way. That it’s making nice people not be so nice, and making not-so-nice people be fake nice… XD

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So far I’ve felt people who do speak (or write up) have been mostly genuine. Not all, but mostly. A lot players stay silent aswell.

Though I’ve only played in LFG since the update went live so that is a factor. Just 2-2-2 and whenever I see one with added ‘‘positive’’ or ‘‘non-toxic players only’’ I smash join really quick. I’ve met a lot nice people today! I don’t think I wanna soloqueue (maybe comp placements only) anymore.

Before, no. Now, yes. Since it can be easily identified why the person is acting that way.

Actually even before rewarded for doing so, such a person could be muted due to their behaviour 1) not helping the group effort, and 2) distracting teammates who are trying to win the match.

I wouldn’t call it a failure. For one to understand the purpose of it one has to consider all the changes that came with this update, they build off each other. They didn’t actually add the endorsement system to simply make people be friendly, they added it because it gives an incentive to players that are nasty to hold their tongue, this leads to more people joining voice chat and feeling free to talk and play what they want/find appropriate, it means more people playing the game and coordinating to make matches competitive.

They didn’t add this outside quickplay and competitive because they are using endorsements as a filter in LFG, players that are highly competitive or don’t want to deal with bad attitudes can use it to great effect because they can make a team with others that want a good team composition and are on mic or/and filter who can join party based on their endorsement level.

They added this mostly so the worst offenders, or people having a bad day don’t decide it’s worth it to make others feel unwelcome to play the game, and to make competitive more competitive with the added team cohesion. In reality it wasn’t added for the sake of rewarding good natured people, it was added as a more effective reverse punishment by keeping nasty people from a reward if they don’t make an effort, because they make people leave or play less no matter how many other normal players their victim comes across otherwise.

No one is forced to do anything.

You do you and if you get upvoted, great! If not, then what’s the problem?

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I see where you’re coming from. Even on the ptr I saw people accusing others of being nice for votes. But I like Blizzard’s approach to this. It’s helpful. I feel it may have a better impact than just punishing bad behavior, by rewarding good behavior as well.

So just report those that accuse you of fishing for votes for abusive chat.

Yeah, this is actually making me more nervous than I thought it would.

Also add in the fact that I have a very … um, what’s the word… “naturally hateful” sounding voice? (Think Snape from Harry Potter … or Moira, I guess. XP)

So even before this change, people would think I was sarcastic when I gave them a compliment, and I’d have to lighten my tone and apologize, explaining I was sincere.

So yeah, people are 100% gonna think I’m faking. lol /Sigh. I’ll probably just stay silent more now. >.<

Still like the system, though. Just … yeah, my anxiety and fear of being judged totally blindsided me on this one.


Add a feature to make people be silent. I suppose it is an expected corporate response to public behaviour.