Endorsements have ruined being genuinely nice

Who cares. I’d rather people fake being nice than legitimately being a toxic a-hole. I’ll take it.


I haven’t had this problem, I just act like I normally do.


If it works like that, it might be a good thing. I don’t think it will tho. I don’t think the people that used to scream at people are the ones who are suddenly “converted” to the good side.

I’ve never read that, I must admit. But… it also kind of sounds like The Great Gatsby, doesn’t it? :slight_smile:

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I feel terrible knowing that I’m going to receive more endorsements just because I play support and happen to be naturally nice, while other nice players who play DPS and tank will be overlooked.

Likewise, I’m not looking forward to being accused of “acting”.


Considering how awful half those people are when they’re being “real”, I honestly prefer them being fake. “Real” them sucked.

If we’re lucky, they’ll fake it long enough that it just naturally becomes part of the way they act, like when someone jokes about drinking with their pinky out and suddenly realizes they’re doing it when they’re alone.


There is only so much you can do about troll culture :man_shrugging:t5:

I wouldn’t feel bad. I think most people will spread the love around.

Heh. Just thought this whole “fake nice to get rewards” is the same as Weird Al’s “Amish Paradise”

“Think you’re really righteous? Think you’re pure of heart?/Well I know I’m a million times as humble as thou art!”


Don’t talk, make your job. If someone wants, he will vote you

Doesn’t matter.

Sincere or not, if you’re genuine about it, do it. Don’t expect rewards for it, and if they’re being a donkey about it, that just shows how shallow they are.

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I play Mystery Heroes or arcade 99.99% of the time. There’s no endorsements there and I was disappointed because I genuinely wanted to acknowledge people and see what people liked from what I did.

Playing in quickplay to see how the system was like though, there were definitely people faking to get noticed. Usually people don’t talk at all in europe, and now there was a guy talking alone in chat and even started singing. That’s attention whoring for me. I didn’t say anything and I endorse based on how well people do but him having a monologue in chat and then singing when people didn’t reply was cringey.


So true

13 char remaining

O wow people really will hate you for anything, even less reason to join chat.

This is what happens when devs try to gamify being nice\being a good player. I noticed a few people being so overly sweet I’m afraid I’ll need to purchase insulin after the match. That being said overall it’s a good change in the community\game IMO and beats people trying to be obnoxious all of the time. I bet people will chill out with the overly exaggerated niceties after a few days or a week when they’re used to the new system.

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I haven’t experienced this in any of my matches. I think you’re just looking for something to complain about. If you are genuinely nice and it’s coming from a place of kindness, then you shouldn’t expect something back. Who cares if people are pretending to be nice, if it helps your team play better and it reduces negativity then everyone wins.

Okay. So if people come across as fake then don’t endorse them. You have that choice. Same with voting via the original way. You feel they’ve been fake, don’t vote. God, people. This isn’t rocket surgery. :stuck_out_tongue:


See you’re complaining about how endorsements ruin being “geniunely nice” but if you were genuinely nice you wouldn’t care if people are impressed by your niceness or not. Just be your damn self and if you’re not a jerk, you’ll eventually get updoots. If your self happens to provoke a lot of updoots, great. But be yourself. You don’t gotta fake nothin.


Yeah, I hope this is something that blows over quickly. Personally I don’t think the people that used to be obnoxious are the ones turning to the good side. Just the neutral middle trying to fake their way into rewards. Personally I liked it when the genuinely nice people were nice, and the rest stayed quiet. That way you knew you did good when you received a compliment, and it felt kind of special.


Private profiles have also as people expected, led to people picking heroes they can’t play in comp worse than ever.