⭐️ Endorsements are POINTLESS

They have no effect on anything. You just need to go out of your way to press some buttons… it would be better if you got a loot box or something…


Or maybe just take it as a sign that you are not toxic garbage


You do get loot boxes.

And you’re right, for the most part they are absolutely arbitrary. But they matter enough for you to post about them!


You do get loot boxes when you rank up. Also, because of the endorsements you give, you get an extra 75 XP each game, which lets you level for another loot box that much quicker. Win/Win.


lol except people still endorse you even if you are “toxic”.

It seriously is a pointless gimmick. Maybe the first step of an entire system that’s yet to come? One could hope, but it’d be a waste of effort.


Endorsements are not pointless, specially when u play support ( Ana ) and you do a nice work healing and landing thoses sleeps, feels nice when people send you a good stack of endorsements, makes me feel like i did a good job for my team even if they dont type it on the chat.


The main problem with endorsements is the fact that people get affected by that system outside of competitive. The toxicity is mostly a “problem” in the competitive game mode. I personally never had much problems with toxicity. I just laugh it off and ignore it. But that’s just me.

They should remove it outside of competitive in my opinion. That would help it have a little more meaning to it. But even then, it still would feel kind of pointless.

I mean, that’s a good argument. For you, it feels good. But I’m talking about what does it do for the game? I’ve seen 0 improvement in matches except for the first day the system came out. I thought the intent of the system was to improve match making quality, which it isn’t doing because everybody gets an endorsement almost at the end of every round, toxic or not.

Endorsements are removed upon silence. But you can easily get them back by playing 50 or so matches. All they pretty much do is say if people level 3 or lower might potentially be toxic. Also considering you can report someone for saying anything negative means the people who are toxic will just incite you to be toxic to report you into a silence thus removing your Endorsements, So yes, It’s pretty pointless.

See…I agree with the statement…but not the reason :confused:

Endorsements, in my opinion, are totally useless, but it’s precisely because they give a reward to the endorser, rather than the endorsee. Because of this, people just spam endorsements at the end of a match for the XP bonus, without actually thinking of whether or not the person they’re endorsing, really deserves it.

I would rather than the person receiving the endorsement gets the XP bonus instead, that way people will actually have an incentive to play nice.

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I quite enjoy getting them, knowing that each person can only endorse up to 3 people its nice to know that people acknowledge you were one of the 3 most effective in that game. It’s even sweeter when you are playing underused heroes :slight_smile: but yes completely pointless, nice ego boost though lol


Toxicity is down by 26%.


Eh, they definitely do encourage (and successfully at that) people to actually fill and switch according to the team’s needs as well as encourage positivity (fake or no) and discourage toxicity. While certainly the system could be improved upon further, in my experience its done quite a bit to improve the atmosphere and the chances of actually getting a decent comp.

They just show playtime, solo play, and generally what category of heroes you play.

The system is a complete failure because players endorse for the wrong reason, namely for the 50 exp.


I mean, it’s not much different then getting your healing card upvoted on the MVP screen. Most people tend to upvote the healers on that screen anyway, at least in my experience. But you do have a point.

Endorsements on a maturity scale is just showing respect to the player or enemy. If it’s coming from an juvenile mindset it’s probably some other sort. If it’s coming from a curiosity mindset then they have 3 paths to take.

  1. Mature.
  2. Juvenile.
  3. Darkness.

It has been mentioned that there maybe future bonus to high levels of endorsements. They aren’t there yet but it’s still pretty new so more things might be added, possibly at gamescom

Test this yourself? Personally I try not to be toxic for any reason.

says nothing all game and doesn’t initiate any teamfights

2 shot caller’s received

the system is meaningless